How would you mic this drum set?

Via Noctis

Jun 23, 2007
I posted this thread for more opinions maybe to learn something. I am going to be recording this drum set.


Bad picture. but there are 5 toms. and 11 cymbals, he is as I would consider "pro" I am 27 and I remember going to watch him play when I was 15 years old!
He triggers the kicks. plays them lightly so they don't come through the other mics. hits the snare and the the toms with amazing accuracy, his style (his band jams in my basement) I notice he does a lot awesome cymbal shit, especially the Hihat. I know how I was thinking of doing it but I am looking for other opinions. Yes... I have read the 10-15 pages of Oz's drum thread.. just looking for opinions. her is every mic we have availible:

3 sm 57
2 rode nt5
1 akg c414
3 audix f 10
1 audix f 12
1 audix d 6
1 akg perception 200
2 audix f 15 small diaphram condensers
1 TINY audix snare condenser (not sure the model)

I have 16 tracks availible.... shitty sounding room:erk: I am planning on treating the room but not in the time frame that they are looking at... I am doing the album for free... Since they are awesome friends of mine... and they RULE :headbang::headbang: Just looking for some ideas.. like I said I have an idea of what i want to do. But the more options I have the better.. :kickass:

edit: it is metal.. similar to nevermore.
sm57 on top of snare, one of the audix small diaghrams underneath. Use the other audix or the perception for hihat.
2 f10's for the two highest rack toms, f12 for the lowest floor tom and the 57's for the other 2.
Use the rode's as overheads, nice and wide appart (3:1 rule) and not too far from the cymbals. Put the C414 as a mono room mic, or maybe swap it with the perception and see what you like best.
If he has triggers for his bass drum take some samples of his bass drum using the D6 and maybe the C414 or perception on the outside and make some custom samples/ blend em with other samples to get a good kick sound.

Thats where I would start, but experiment and see what you come up with. I only answered this because I cant sleep and it 3:30 in the morning, so if I've said something stupid, theres your reason.

Key is trial and error, try it out which mics works the best for each drum at the same volume

KICKS: Triggers OR if you want to record it with mics, ditch the second kickdrum and record with double pedal and mic the kick with D6 near the hole.
SNARE: NT5 or SM57 on top 2cm above the rim pointing at the center of the drum, try all the leftover mics on bottom and choose the one what works best together with the sm57 at the same volume.
TOMS: Try which one sounds best on each drum. try the SM57's and F10/F12's, but even the SDC mics might work
CYMBALS: one SDC per cymbal pair, mic the china separately
ROOM: C414 or the AKG P200 and if you have channels free, try some dynamic mic like SM57 pointing away for some lofi-sound

Remember to sample all the drums
Considering you said the room sounds horrible, try and keep everything as dry as possible.
The key here is not capturing room sound, because if you do and it sounds bad you can't take it away later, so try and get it sounding dry so you can add ambience in later on.

Multi-sample the kit one drum at a time too, just for some insurance. (AND POST THE SAMPLES HERE! :headbang:)
Thank you guys! He uses both kicks an both are triggered. Thanks for the opinions that is similar to where I thought I would start.
except I thought of using the Tiny audix condenser on the top of the snare.
57 on bottom
f10 on the small toms
f12 on the first big tom
d6 on the floor tom
f15 on the hihat
f15 on the ride
nt5 wide 3:1
akg 414 as room to help with the front cymbals or the perception 200.
He hits everything really well snare and toms hard but not too hard and the same with the cymbals. So i figured I might be able to get a hot enough signal to turn the gain down abit on the preamp and reject some of the room.