How you guys blending your impulses nowadays?


Humanoid typhoon
Sep 7, 2010
Tulsa, Oklahoma.
I'm still on leCab, though I figure routing to two separate tracks with KeFir loaded would be more flexible. What's better for workflow, do you think?

By the way, "God's Cab" really kicks ass. If you haven't grabbed the library yet, you definitely should. I'm getting awesome results with just about every ampsim I try with these impulses.

Now, how do blend?
I don't blend impulses on the same track, rarely ever did. I have blended like 50/50 of two impulses when quad tracking though, other than that I always just stick to one impulse per track because a lot of them aren't in phase or I don't find that they really add anything when blended. If you're thinking about using a bunch of impulses, LeCab 2 is definitely a good choice since you can put it on a bus, send one guitar to each channel (100% L/R) and then use 3 different impulses per side.
Most of the time I stick with kefir. I like its total simplicity. It gives more control by just being an insert in the fxchain on a 1-track / 1-impulse philosophy, to end having 1 track by guitar sound as I would have after micing real guitar cabinets. So if I wanna blend 2 different tone colors, and if each one requires a specific treatment (notably : lowend control) it's practical.

Otherwise, for quick mix, or less intrusive EQ/comp correction, I use lecab as well.
I can't imagine why people would want to blend impulses

The same reason you would use more than one microphone on a cab or snare drum. Flexibility and options. The new recabinet plugin has two impulses running simultaneously for this very purpose.
I can't imagine why people would want to blend impulses

Blending means more options = more sounds. If you like the low end of one impulse and the high end of another one, it's very easy to blend them using the same vst. That's why lecab has hp and lp filters on each impulse you load.
Blending means more options = more sounds. If you like the low end of one impulse and the high end of another one, it's very easy to blend them using the same vst. That's why lecab has hp and lp filters on each impulse you load.

I never really messed around w/ the HP/LB knobs on LeCab until recently. I was experimenting with some Marshall and Engl IRs I'd just dl'd. While doing so I accidentally turned one of the HP knobs on one channel and was really amazed by the result. Prior to that, I was using Real EQ to apply my HP/LP, but now that I use LeCab for this purpose, I found that I don't really need Real EQ at all. I can pretty much dial in a tone now just using my standard chain of TS>Amp>LeCab.

As for the benefits of blending IRs, the Marshall impulse I'm using now is kind of on the bassy side. When I tried evening it out on its own, it got sort of nasally sounding. Blending it with the Engl impulse really evened to the tone out and gave me much better results than I was getting by using each impulse independently.
Crazy, I know.
The same reason you would use more than one microphone on a cab or snare drum. Flexibility and options. The new recabinet plugin has two impulses running simultaneously for this very purpose.

Hey , I bought Recab 2.0 or whatever last year , he made an impulse loader now? Did he say if people who bought the old recab get a free upgrade?
i've tried blending on several occasions but always end up going back to just one per track. that's not to say there isn't a valid argument supporting doing it - but it does take some time and patience - and well - i'm a lazy bastard. :loco:

God's cabs are a good place to start with blending, though. some great 'room' impulses in there.
I've been getting the good results from using a single impulse and sending the guitar tracks to a stereo bus where I add reverb designed to simulate the room sound, then mixing that signal back into the main mix. It's had to get right.

I don't have much luck mixing impulses but that's just my skill level sucking.