Howdy Folks!

Welcome! Rock on!

Zero Hour is my all time favorite band. Jasun Tipton is a god on guitar and Troy shreds like crazy on bass. Chris has an awesome voice, has great control and Mike Guy, well he has to deal with all of those crazy ass off beats and shit, hes incredible.

My first experience with Zero Hour was Demise and Vestige & Reflections off of The Towers of Avarice back in like 03' when my brother moved here. Since then, I have been hooked. That is still my favorite cd, but I love every single song and every single cd. They rule!
Thanks, Murat. Great to meet you here too.

Yeah, ZH has become one of my favorite bands. Their music is of the rare sort which you can play again and again and always hear and experience new things. This is true genius! We gotta support Jasun and Co., Bush aint doin it.

yo, so I finally 're-rediscovered' :lol: ZH, its always been a band that I've loved the bits and pieces I've heard, and know I'll like the albums, but I've finally got off my butt and ordered Specs and Towers Of Avarice, so it shouldn't be long before they're in my hands finally! Also Dark Deceiver sounds amazing, definately gonna have to grab that one asap...

Really dug the interview Jasun on great stuff, you're yet another brilliant guitarist inspiring me to enter the world of the seven stringer... :rock:

For now I have to content myself with the songs on your myspace over and over, cannot wait to actually get the albums, its just a matter of time now... :zombie:
yo, so I finally 're-rediscovered' :lol: ZH, its always been a band that I've loved the bits and pieces I've heard, and know I'll like the albums, but I've finally got off my butt and ordered Specs and Towers Of Avarice, so it shouldn't be long before they're in my hands finally! Also Dark Deceiver sounds amazing, definately gonna have to grab that one asap...

Really dug the interview Jasun on great stuff, you're yet another brilliant guitarist inspiring me to enter the world of the seven stringer... :rock:

For now I have to content myself with the songs on your myspace over and over, cannot wait to actually get the albums, its just a matter of time now... :zombie:

You're going to love them Dan, Zero hour don't sound like any other band!!!:rock:
Right on Dan and really appreciate the support and kind words shred-bro. I totally enjoyed doing the interview with as Mike ask me a bunch of great questions. He's KILLER player so he has a good idea what to ask in an interview.

YOU RULE DAN and hope you dig cranking the jams when you get the CD's.

METAL MY BRO and I'm off to see TESTAMENT!!

Cheers dude, and I really appreciate the fact that you spend time on the forum and interact with the fans, awesome stuff, and an example that many other bands could follow. Keep up the awesome work, you're a top bloke, and it just makes me appreciate the music even more! :rock:
Cheers dude, and I really appreciate the fact that you spend time on the forum and interact with the fans, awesome stuff, and an example that many other bands could follow. Keep up the awesome work, you're a top bloke, and it just makes me appreciate the music even more! :rock:

Spot on Dan, it sure does make you appreciate the music even more when a band can take time out from their life and reply, pity some other bands couldn't do the same!!!
Right on guys and we just appreciate all you do for us. I don't get on as much due to that I have protools now and that pretty much takes up all my computer time. I will always do my best to check in.


Yeah Jasun and Troy are just some of the coolest kats around they make everyone feel welcome and special. Agree just makes me appreciate them even more, and then you have the awsome music and live shows to back it up. This is why I take such a active part in the forums as want to show how much they are respected.
Zero Hour Rules!
Yeah Jasun and Troy are just some of the coolest kats around they make everyone feel welcome and special. Agree just makes me appreciate them even more, and then you have the awsome music and live shows to back it up. This is why I take such a active part in the forums as want to show how much they are respected.
Zero Hour Rules!

Just a quick question, I see its on but can Seduction and Night's pulse be purchased straight from you guys through the Zero Hour website Jasun? Also, are there still t-shirts of some of the older albums available? I'd be keen to get them all in one shipment with the new album in the coming weeks... :)
Hey my bro,

We only have the latest shirts. We always eventually sell out of our shirts. So yeah man all are Sold Out but the new one my bro.

Yeah Guitar 9 still have a few copies left my bro. Awesome you noticed it as I forgot lol.

