Hows this for a drumsound?


Jul 13, 2005
heyah dudes,

i did this 2 days ago (as a small pre production for this band) and just started fucking around with it.. i used a roommic for the first time i much say i'm realy liking the ambience it gives when you squash it to bits! it just give the whole drumsound more live.. but hey, i just started using them..,

also used 2 SPL goldmikes on OH's and snare/room (flair on with snare, didn't trust it with OH's maybe next time).

micplacing was pretty fast/shoddy because we were in a rush btw kinda fugged up toms. and you might here some clicks from a sync prob with an octopre.

anyway... take a listen, i didn't do much to it.. just the ussual "making drums sound better" (filtering OH's/Taking out 250 on toms/kick etc..)

just 1 guiding guitartrack of POD XT (thanks to mendel!!)

help me out on stuff and tell me what you would change!!

Sounds fucking AWESOME man. Good job! I love the snare, it's got a very Drumkit From Hell compressed snare sound to it, I love it so much. Very nice. These drums sound better than a lot of home demo's I've heard.

I hear the sync problems, but they aren't really there during the music, only in the beginning silence, and the end silence..unless I missed any while the music was going. The guitar tone actually sounds really good too lol. I like these drums, I wouldn't change anything.

thanks guys!.. i apreciate it because the more i keep listing to it the more i'm disliking it myself! maybe its my ears fatiqueing...

that and the fact that i'm the live mixer for these guys so i know how cool it sounds with bass and the second guitarharmonic:worship:

here's a short gear list:

Drums were:

Gear : Pearl Export - 22’x18’ kick drum, 16’x16’floor tom, 14’x12’rack tom, 13’x10’ rack tom, 12’x9’rack tom, 10’x8’ rack tom. Twinpedal: Iron Cobra. 8' splash paiste alpha, 14' hihat paiste alpha, 14' wuhan china, 16' alchemy sweet crashand, 18' alchemy sweet crash, 18' china paiste alpha, 20' powerride paiste alpha

i think the snare was the standart one with the pearl export kit.. it was pearl anyway:loco:

Mac G5
Digi 002
focusrite octopre.
Genelec monitors while tracking... this small mix on alesis mkII's.

Kick- d112 - 002 preamp.
Snare - sm57 pointing to the middle of the snare from the rim - Goldmike Mk1 preamp with Flair engaged - Digi 002.
Toms - all Sennheiser e604 into digi 002 preamps.
OH's - AKG C430 - Into goldmike - Digi 002
Ride- AKG C430 miced from underneath - into Focusrite.
Room - i lended out the rode NTK so i had to go with a Samson condenser "can't remember the name" into a goldmike hitting the micpre pretty hard. into the 002. i squashed it to bits in the fast mix i did. even used a small bit of reverb on the room haha.. helpt alot actually/strange enough:p

Guitar: Gibson Les paul studio with the Gibson pick ups (LOOOOVE those) into mendels POD XT into the focusrite.

and most important is was a REALY fun recording session with awesome musicians:D

here some photo's thanks to mendel:

Cool stuff man!

Yeah, like all been said before, but the drums sound very good! snare is outstanding..

Good job!
Just curiious...why did you use the Genelecs for tracking and the Alesis for mixing? The Genelecs are world class monitors, they are VERY flat. The Alesis have a huge jump in the midrange compared to the Gens. I work with Alesis M1 mkII's every day at the studio, and I use them for tracking only. The small subwoofer makes me feel like I'm about to blow them, even though the bass is perfect, and that midrange always kills anything we try to mix on them. I use the Mackie HR824a's or Genelec 1031a's (like you used) for mixing because they are very flat, and they both have 8" subs, which handle the bass much better and show it's true colors. The Alesis make me want to scoop the mids out of things that don't need it, and they make the mixes without the proper low-end 99% of the time. Sure, I could get use to them and just know their characteristics a little better...but why do that when I can just mix on much higher quality monitors that show me what it REALLY sounds like?

Nevertheless, the mix sounds great. I just think you should've used the monitors the opposite way, Alesis for tracking, Genelecs for mixing. I mean, we use the Alesis for tracking because we crank up the mix for the musicians in the control room while tracking so they realllly get into it, that way if we blow the Alesis, we're only out like $350...instead of $1600 (Mackies) or $3200 (Genelecs). That's just me though...

006 said:
Just curiious...why did you use the Genelecs for tracking and the Alesis for mixing? The Genelecs are world class monitors, they are VERY flat. The Alesis have a huge jump in the midrange compared to the Gens. I work with Alesis M1 mkII's every day at the studio, and I use them for tracking only. The small subwoofer makes me feel like I'm about to blow them, even though the bass is perfect, and that midrange always kills anything we try to mix on them. I use the Mackie HR824a's or Genelec 1031a's (like you used) for mixing because they are very flat, and they both have 8" subs, which handle the bass much better and show it's true colors. The Alesis make me want to scoop the mids out of things that don't need it, and they make the mixes without the proper low-end 99% of the time. Sure, I could get use to them and just know their characteristics a little better...but why do that when I can just mix on much higher quality monitors that show me what it REALLY sounds like?

Nevertheless, the mix sounds great. I just think you should've used the monitors the opposite way, Alesis for tracking, Genelecs for mixing. I mean, we use the Alesis for tracking because we crank up the mix for the musicians in the control room while tracking so they realllly get into it, that way if we blow the Alesis, we're only out like $350...instead of $1600 (Mackies) or $3200 (Genelecs). That's just me though...


I think you mean 'woofer' instead of 'subwoofer'.

Genelec 1031's are far from flat. They have both a hyped bottom and top end. So do the 824's. Typically, monitors with flatter frequency responses tend to sound more midrangy. If it sounds like the woofers on the Monitor 1's are gonna blow, then your bass is not 'perfect'. It's too loud. Actually, the Monitor 1's are very punchy and have pretty tight bass, all things considered.
small update... guitarplayer played some bass and added a bit of guitar... so i can make a small mix ollready! to bad he wasn't at his best hahah.... amp is an ampeg top and cab (guitar amp yeah,....)
bass was my bass collection bass with bartollini's into tubescreamer into sans amp.. we kinda overdid the distortion heheheh..

lemmy know how this little mix is... allthoughi still have to change some stuff.
Argh, why me ? LOL. I suck at commenting other people's mix... Anyway, here are my thoughts (don't blame me, haha) :

It sounds very aggressive (in the ear-fatigue sense), very dirty, maybe too much high on the drums (which are bit too loud I guess for my taste, especially the cymbals & toms) but I feel there's something missing in the low or low-mid, maybe reducing the highs will cover this, don't know... Also it's clipping all over the place, try reducing the volume a bit. Is it me or are the hihats and the ride on the same side ? Seems louder on one side, but I'm not sure about that. Snare and kick sound very compressed, but very punchy, I like them like everybody here ! Overall I think the mix is great but the mastering sucks :D I guess this is it, hope this helps :)
thanks!! you kinda summed up all the things i thought i got wrong!! i'll try to get it less dirty in the highs... i guess this is something alot of beginning mixers struggle with right? i know i have.. any tips to get this right?

and how would you master this? less compressing/limiting the whole song?

and i'll try the other stuff you pointed out.. much aprecciated!!