Humans to be dumb as chimps by 2100

Norsemaiden said:
Regardless of the population growth (as regards growth through birth rather than through immigration) in the third world being far greater than it is in the first world, it is well known that the less intelligent segment of any population has more children than the most intelligent segment. As intelligence is inherited, the consequence of this can only be a fall in the level of intelligence.

Also, there is a huge migration from the third world into the west so this does change the genetics of the population.

Yeah its true i admit it... I myself am not that clever really... sort of a low IQ type of person, and yeah us un-inteligent people do tend to shag around a lot more than usual .... I mean i cant really speak for other lower class or ethnic people out there.... but as for me personnally, I have always got a bit of a stiffy on... you know its probably boredom really......... but yeah I agree us lowlife do get the horn more than most.

infoterror said:
More people = lower IQ only when the majority of them are dumb, which means the ratio of stupid:smart is not the same.

Your argumentative strategy, summarized
Damn... I said the ratio remains the same for EACH COUNTRY (because that's arithmetic mean and it depends on ratio - that's what the article assumes), and that is the only thing that matters for each individual democracy. Doesn't matter if you have a million people and 20% percent are smart or 3 million people and 20% percent smart.

Let's say Africans are shorter, and the average height for each country remains the same for 100 years. Then in 100 years the average person will be shorter. IT DOESNT MEAN DEMOCRACY MAKES US SHORTER. The only way to prevent worldwide average IQ from dropping (under the assumption it doesn't change for each country) is to kill Africans or encourage Europeans to breed. So, if democracy is guilty of letting people breed (doesn't matter what kind of people because again the assumption is genetics don't change), then yes, it's the problem. But if I'm not mistaken the Nazis also encouraged higher birthrates.
Norsemaiden said:
Regardless of the population growth (as regards growth through birth rather than through immigration) in the third world being far greater than it is in the first world, it is well known that the less intelligent segment of any population has more children than the most intelligent segment. As intelligence is inherited, the consequence of this can only be a fall in the level of intelligence.

Also, there is a huge migration from the third world into the west so this does change the genetics of the population.
The graph ignores all this
Wouldnt it be nice just to get things back to the good ol days.......... when africa was black and Europe was white? Who cares whos cleverer or who can jump the furthest, Is it not true that 60 years after the nazis of the 40s that people are getting really concerned about multi-culturalism today..... so much so that they skip around the subject in forums, feared of being branded a racist.... by the way Norsemaiden said something that was picked up on as sounding " a little bit racist"......fucking hell big deal, people are allowed to speak freely, but thats typical of lefty sensitivity..... if you say anything, the smallest remark thats in anyway racially controversal... then out come the old hippys crying. Can I ask something here.... Why Multi-culturalism anyway ?.........Why are different races and cultures expected to live together in the first place...........Where did this idea originally come from????. It seems an odd goal to aim for. Why must we now live on a planet where culture and race must mix together....Why?. How many people get along with their neighbours? yeah not "WHY" are we expected to all mix together in one happy global soup. This seems a bizzarre thing that has and is occuring.....dont you think, or are you all Robots. Most people love their fellow man, thats normal, but who said we should all be living together. where did this idea come from ?......... I believe that unrest is taking place ( again ) in Europe, and I believe the new young are confused ... and I dont blame them...............
It really doesnt matter what the average IQ will be. If you extrapolate the amount of resources we are wasting on this planet up until that time, we will have to either be on another planet, or dead.

or close to dead.
This is my one hundredth post everybody, did you hear me....yes I said 100 sheesh it only seemed like yesturday when i was like 56 posts.........where has the time gone.........HOORAY FOR ME..... so like, anyway fuck the planet I dont care... the rain forest- not interested, tigers going extinct- couldnt give a monkeys...... ITS MY BIRTHDAY ! 100 posts today.... anyone for cake?.

Norsemaiden said:
As intelligence is inherited, the consequence of this can only be a fall in the level of intelligence.

Yes, intelligence is inherited, but there are also studies done that have proven that this can be nullified in some respects. Hard work does pay off. Something the graph is missing is economic growth, in which case, a country with low IQ and high population may have a boom, and if the government is capable, they will spend heavily on education for security of the country. This means that the IQ would rise in a large population. Pure conjecture I know, but it could happen.
biggsy said:
Yes, intelligence is inherited, but there are also studies done that have proven that this can be nullified in some respects. Hard work does pay off. Something the graph is missing is economic growth, in which case, a country with low IQ and high population may have a boom, and if the government is capable, they will spend heavily on education for security of the country. This means that the IQ would rise in a large population. Pure conjecture I know, but it could happen.

Hey your Australian... I read your quote and....
Many thickos were sent from the mother ship of Great Britain hundreds of years ago... to an outpost called Skippy land.... a place full of strange dark folk and devils. Why?... because the thieving swines nicked some bread in England "the crooks". Now obviously these "convicts" were daft as brushes ( Low IQ ) and kept nicking shit like straw or turnips.... so thats why they were slung outta Britain. But here is my point... " How is it that Australia is now so rich when the country itself is still full of thickos " ?

biggsy said:
I'm sorry it took you 14 years to win the Ashes. This is the stupidest post I have read on this board. Please go and play with your Lego.

Hey guy no-offense meant, look all I am saying is on the whole..and taking into account that you Australians have DNA stretching back to those early settlers of the 19th century..... taking this into account, that obviously Australians today must be of a seriously low IQ ( on average ) than other White western races...... because theives are by and large, lets face it..... Dumber than the rest of us. Nothing personal to you at all, because maybe you got lucky and it jumped a generation ? But please.. Look around you ..speak to your family and friends first......ask some probing questions like " whats the capital of Bulgaria" I know that sounds trivial but you get my meaning. I Guarantee that if you ask enough of your fellow Australians some serious thought provoking questions then the only answer you will get back is "Er Dunno". and thats not racist thats just facts.

EGOR said:
ask some probing questions like " whats the capital of Bulgaria" I know that sounds trivial but you get my meaning. I Guarantee that if you ask enough of your fellow Australians some serious thought provoking questions then the only answer you will get back is "Er Dunno". and thats not racist thats just facts.

:hypno: how people like you manage to function in daily life while holding opinions like this is beyond me. you'd think that sooner or later someone would get tired of listening to this drivel and ship you off to a land full of dark folk and devils.
Demilich said:
:hypno: how people like you manage to function in daily life while holding opinions like this is beyond me. you'd think that sooner or later someone would get tired of listening to this drivel and ship you off to a land full of dark folk and devils.

Okay I get it the Old Colonials are ganging up on me now.... and here now we got some wise guy from Canada wading in.... and all because they couldnt stomach the cold weather here at home. now lets get this straight.... "Canada"... Canada... give me a break what has "Canada" ever given to the world as far as art and culture?...... yeah im still waiting............ thats right nothing. At least the Aussies are prepared to admit they got low IQ and are really just into havin a good time......... but the Canadians ... well they have always got to be snooty about shit, and lets face it as we are all here talkin about DNA........ name a famous Canadian??? At least the Aussies have got Skippy the Kangaroo, I mean the canadians aint even got comedy animals.... nothing. Do me a favour pal, take it on the chin you guys out there in the outposts have got less brain matter between your ears than us back here in the pure mother ship UK. We did not want to see you leave home, but you went. And while out there you picked up some bad habits off of the untamed natives all that voodoo shit..... and you guys are still catching up with the rest of us again. But intelligent DNA always finds a way to return.... It will happen again one day... but it will take time, but be patient, I reckon 100 years should see a more evened out DNA for you guys out there in canada, and also aussie land.
We in Britain , love you all ...we wish you were back home here with us, but it was your own choices to leave us, and now your all paying for it in DNA. I may feel a little sorry for you guys i admit, but never the less I still love you all cause at the end of the day your British. Dont ever feel like theres not a warm bed and a cup of tea waiting here for because their is. god when i think of how your for-fathers them must have suffered... it makes me sad.

biggsy said:
Yes, intelligence is inherited, but there are also studies done that have proven that this can be nullified in some respects.

"In some respects" is evasive.

It cannot be nullified.

Not only intelligence, but other traits are inherited...

Why do you want a world without unique cultures? Afraid?
EGOR said:
Hey guy no-offense meant, look all I am saying is on the whole..and taking into account that you Australians have DNA stretching back to those early settlers of the 19th century..... taking this into account, that obviously Australians today must be of a seriously low IQ ( on average ) than other White western races...... because theives are by and large, lets face it..... Dumber than the rest of us. Nothing personal to you at all, because maybe you got lucky and it jumped a generation ? But please.. Look around you ..speak to your family and friends first......ask some probing questions like " whats the capital of Bulgaria" I know that sounds trivial but you get my meaning. I Guarantee that if you ask enough of your fellow Australians some serious thought provoking questions then the only answer you will get back is "Er Dunno". and thats not racist thats just facts.


Well consider that 20% of Australians are born overseas and that the majority of us AREN'T descended from convicts, who I admit would probably have a lower IQ, and you'll see your argument falling to bits. Very rapidly.
infoterror said:
It cannot be nullified.

A person with 'smarter' genes could end up less intelligent than someone with 'dumber' genes. It's all about the effort you put in. If the person with smart genes puts in fuck all work in school, doesn't bother with university etc. then he will not be as intelligent as somebody who has less intelligent genes but who works their arse off during school, goes to university and succeeds in life. The original guy I was quoting said: As intelligence is inherited, the consequence of this can only be a fall in the level of intelligence. I'm saying, a low IQ population can increase their IQ by improved educational systems.
Thoth-Amon said:
I have a hard time believing the average IQ is 80 something. I thought it was around 110 or so. Secondly I have to ask... what exactly is being asked on these IQ tests? Are they completely difficult or bizarre things? Are they things that people in various cultures know nothing about (and hence score low)? Lastly I was tested at 163, does this make me twice as smart as most people? I know I'm certainly smarter in some ways than most people that I meet, but twice as smart?

I agee with the fact that they're unreliable. They ask you a bit about everything; maths, general knowledge, grammar, logic etc etc. Now, I'm pretty useless at maths, so I usually just ignore those questions but I usually get upwards of 120 anyway, but I've had 90 something before. So I have no idea how they are meant to be reliable. They reckon that the average IQ in Britain is 120, although looking at far too many Brits would make anybody dubious about this.
biggsy said:
Well consider that 20% of Australians are born overseas and that the majority of us AREN'T descended from convicts, who I admit would probably have a lower IQ, and you'll see your argument falling to bits. Very rapidly.

Mate people are laughing at you here, Im taking the piss.... you are talking about whos clever and whos not. who everybodys different and everybodys good at different things.... thats why we as a race are "Masters of the Planet" Do you seriously believe now that convicts are lower IQ than the rest of fucking hell this is like playing with puppies.

with religion and politics in control of the planet, who could ever doubt we are devolving?