Humans to be dumb as chimps by 2100

EGOR said:
Mate people are laughing at you here, Im taking the piss.... you are talking about whos clever and whos not. who everybodys different and everybodys good at different things.... thats why we as a race are "Masters of the Planet" Do you seriously believe now that convicts are lower IQ than the rest of fucking hell this is like playing with puppies.


Well do you have any evidence to say that convicts wouldn't have lower IQs? I'm just going on todays standards: most criminals have relative low IQs so why would it be different 200/300 years ago? I thought this board was for intelligent discussion, not baiting.
This big guy is not dumb. He's very happy that all his ticks have been removed.

Tick is the common name for the small wingless arachnids that, along with mites, constitute the order Acarina. Ticks are ectoparasites (external parasites), living by hematophagy on the blood of mammals, birds, and occasionally reptiles and amphibians. Ticks are an important vector of a number of human and animal diseases.

Ticks are often found in tall grass, where they will rest themselves at the tip of a blade so as to attach themselves to a passing animal or human. It is a common misconception that the tick can jump from the plant onto the host. Physical contact is the only method of transportation for ticks. They will generally drop off of the animal when full, but this may take several days. Ticks contain a structure in their mouth area that allows them to anchor themselves firmly in place while sucking blood. Pulling a tick out forcefully may squeeze contents of the tick back into the bite and often leaves the mouthpiece behind, which may result in infection.

Lose the *.*-sucking ticks, be happy. ;-)
Most of the posts in this thread are useless.

But I must agree that there is a possiblity that the world will go through another dark age. But it just may be due to fallout, or just oppressive world dictatorship.

I would think that the powerful people would try to keep their power by keeping the majority non informed and stupid, from whatever means.
Silver Incubus is right pointing out that high intelligence in a population is a disadvantage to tyrants who wish to dominate them.

Neith - I've had the same kind of mixed results with IQ tests as you. I also feel like I just can't be bothered with some of the questions. So impatience could perhaps cause a false low IQ result. (Assuming that impatience itself is not a sign of stupidity!) If one is really bored by the task it is going to be harder to complete well than it would be for another person who is enthusiastic. And then there are these books claiming to teach one to get a higher result on the tests. By practising the sequences and such like until you spot them more easily.

So yes, what Bigsy said has some validity because a less intelligent (genetically) person may perform better due to having practised in certain areas of performance, than a genetically superior person.

Still I would say IQ tests are still valid, some of them anyway, but they are most helpful for determining group IQ than being accurate on an individual level.