Global dimming is one threat. Responsible for droughts that have already killed hundreds of thousands of people in sub-Saharan Africa.
Today's news
"Mutational load" is the total genetic burden in a population resulting from accumulated deleterious mutations.
There are more than 1500 known mutational disorders or genetic diseases. By elimination of the unfit, natural selection reduces the harmful effects of mutations on a population. Some human behaviour is a pathological result of genetic mutation or neurological damage. Contamination/pollution is a major cause of bioaccumulated mutagens. Experiments have shown that genetically adapting to survive in a polluted environment can result in the population being so genetically altered that if they were put back into the non-polluted environment, they would die and the pollution itself causes mutations, altering germcells. This was found in an experiment involving fish. It is mentioned in the article I am about to quote from by a major Canadian geneticist, Michael Easton, entitled "Environmental Mutagens: A Crisis of our Time"
Easton says that pollution caused by humans could quickly cause such massive deleterious mutational genetic load that we may go extinct.
More doom mongering to follow...
Even the most pessimistic forecasts of global warming may now have to be drastically revised upwards. That means a temperature rise of 10c by 2100 could be on the cards, giving the UK a climate like that of North Africa and rendering many parts of the world uninhabitable.
Today's news
Yes, very "metal"!New CO2 evidence means climate change predictions are 'too optimistic'
"Mutational load" is the total genetic burden in a population resulting from accumulated deleterious mutations.
There are more than 1500 known mutational disorders or genetic diseases. By elimination of the unfit, natural selection reduces the harmful effects of mutations on a population. Some human behaviour is a pathological result of genetic mutation or neurological damage. Contamination/pollution is a major cause of bioaccumulated mutagens. Experiments have shown that genetically adapting to survive in a polluted environment can result in the population being so genetically altered that if they were put back into the non-polluted environment, they would die and the pollution itself causes mutations, altering germcells. This was found in an experiment involving fish. It is mentioned in the article I am about to quote from by a major Canadian geneticist, Michael Easton, entitled "Environmental Mutagens: A Crisis of our Time"
Easton says that pollution caused by humans could quickly cause such massive deleterious mutational genetic load that we may go extinct.
Germcell mutations, even if harmful and selected against will likely remain in the population for many generations. Thus in an environment of a chemically induced increase in the background mutation rate, there will be an increasing legacy of useless or harmful genetic material that is created within each generation by an ever increasing build up of genetically toxic chemicals. These effects may be compounded each generation. Under polluted conditions, natural mutation events are slowly accumulated and form a reservoir of material (genetic load) for evolutionary change. At high levels, this mutational load becomes a drag on the population and can result in an enormous burden of useless mutated genes resulting in greater embryo and pre-reproductive mortality. At lower levels, the genetic flexibility of the population is diminished.
The end of many species, possibly including man, could come about not from the catastrophic effects of atom bombs, but from the genetically damaging effects of our toxic environment, short sighted industrial practices and the ineffectiveness and inadequacy of present government regualtions to reduce the rate of an ever increasing debt of genetic damage. Unlike the fiscal debt, the genetic damage debt can't be paid off.
More doom mongering to follow...