Hungarian thread

ez most totál magyar legyen? Mert már megcsináltam a menüt angolul, ÉS NAGYON SOKAT KINLODTAM VELE, ÉS NEM AKAROM ÚJRACSINÁÁÁÁLNIIII :grin:
d ha nemzetközi helyre rakjuk fel, akkor csinálok 2nyelvűt (angol; Magyar). Az előző honlapom ilyen volt! (szintén cob fanpage)
mondjál már vmi szöveget rólunk (angolul) hogy mit irjak az első uploadshoz! tudod, h na kész van, blablabla
hé ember! lesznek benne külön linkek magyaroknak (pl.:biográfia, stb...)
hülye barom:lol:
a wembesternek az a dolga, h intézzen ilyen hülye ügyeket, mint pl a domain, stb... én is megtehetem, de akkor lesz
télleg mi van ezzel? most hova töltsem?( töltöttem, és majd onnan lesz átrakva cjbre)
UI: a webmester nem olyan mint a házmester
Chokehold said:
én most ettem... de bazmeg ne legyen .net mert az pénz
nincs pénzem!!!!

Amúgy kb. 666-szor mondtam, hogy ezt én lezsírozom.

Mondjuk lehet cjb-s. Csak a net-essl sokkal egyedibb lenne, tekintély parancsolóbb, s látná mindenki, hogy nem csóró pánkok állnak mögötte.

Meg lehetne a contacthoz vagy vhová írni, hogy ebben a 93 ezer négyzetkilóméteres állatkertben mi fagyunk a legfaszább metalheadek, nem?
na megvan a News (1hírrel):grin:
megvan a Main egy szavazógéppel, és feltöltéssel(Uploads)
megvan a tagok (The Band) főoldala.
és most csinálom a biográfiát.
figy szükség lenne a diszkográfiához, h elküldenétek a spinefarm, nuclear blast, toy factory, stb... által kiadott lemezek képét. valahonnan csórjátok el, és küldjétek át. köszi
ok:) de figyelj, hogy "zsirozod le"?
kéne a studio neve, ahol csinálták a ybod-ot, meg a hcdrt. most irom a biográfiát.

ennyi már megvan:grin: :
Children Of Bodom are from Espoo, which is located in Finland, about 10 km from Helsinki(capital city of Finland). When the band was founded by Alexi Laiho and Jaska Raatikainen in 1993 name of the band was different. It was Inearthed. Band contained five members: Alexi Laiho(guitar and vocals), Jaska Raatikainen(drums), Alexander Kuoppala(guitar), Henkka Seppälä(5-string) and J.Pirisjoki(keyboards). Style of music was melodic death metal. Inearthed released two demos: Ubiquitos Absence Of Remission and Shining. First one was recorded at Astia Studios and was released in 1994. The second one was released two years later. After their second demo J.Pirisjoki left the band. The name of new keyboardist was Janne Wirman. First only as a session keyboarder for the Something Wild recordings but later as permanent member. Also band name was changed from Inearthed to Children Of Bodom. Something Wild was planned to be published through a small belgian record company but Sami Tenez gave the demo of Something Wild to Ewo Rytkönen(from Spinefarm records) who decided to make deal with band. Children Of Bodom signed contract for three albums.

First one was Something Wild which was recorded and mixed at Astia Studios by Anssi Kippo in July-August 1997 and released three mounth later in November 1997. After that Children Of Bodom got a contract with Nuclear Blast Germany for europe-wide distribution and recorded their first single witch was named Children Of bodom. The single was very successful it stayed number ONE in finish charts for eight weeks. Band got also many good gigs one of them was when they warming Dimmu Borgir in Helsinki in late 1997. In 1998 band was touring across Europe with many great bands such a Hypochrisy, Benediction and Covenant. However Janne couldn't go on the tour with the band because he had final exams at school. He replaced by Erna(friend of band) and Kimberly Goss.

During the tours Alexi figered out many riffs. So when touring was over band went to the studio and recorded at the same session both new album Hatebreeder and new single Downfall. Single contained a cover song of Stone's No Commands. Album itself was released in early 1999. The studio was the same as at first time. When album was released COB started touring again. In Japan in June 7th-14th band played three shows which were recorded and released as limited edition live album with 10 photocards. In September 1999 band started their Nuclear Blast tour with In Flames, Dark Tranquility and Arch Enemy.

The next single Hate Me was recorded at Astia Studios and released in May 2000. Single jumped straight away to number ONE in finish charts. After that COB went to USA and played their at the Milwaukee Metal Fest XIV. Their third album Follow The Reaper was recorded at Abyss Studios by Peter Tätgren in August-September 2000 and released in October 30th. When album was ready Alexi noticed that guitars was recorded too soft, thanx god that Mika Jussila was able to fix this problem. FTR was worldwide success it sold over 50 000 copies in first week in Middle-Europe. Follow The Reaper reached also good charts positions in Germany 46th, in France 88th, and in Austria it went to position 38. In their homeland Finland album went to the highest position it was even in 3rd place. After releasing new album band toured Europa with Primal Fear and Sacred Steel. In year 2002 COB hade only few tours band decided to keep break of touring and make some new songs. After 'Follow The Reaper' their old contract ended and band was forced to decide, if they wanted to sign a new one.