Hypocrisy Web Site. Calls it Quits. "No Support"

Rad, Wendy did a killer job with Nevermore's site. She did post here I think right when this forum opened. That's it from what I could see. Very Cool. Glad it's in capable hands.

It's very cool that everyone who posted here and is into Hypocrisy so much was willing to put thier time and skills into creating or helping to create a new Hypocrisy site. . That's a hard core testament to how KILLER Hypocrisy is to all of us


well, i think a good homepage is one of the most important things for a band today! it helps the band to keep in contact with the fans and the other way round!
i hope that hypocrisy will use the new homepage as a platform to comunicate with fans a lot!
so we will see!

grtz, CHriss
what about the pain homepage?? i don't think that there is an official pain page!! maybe we should work on that one as pain is an asskickin' band too!

plz answer!

Originally posted by HeadCrusher
vileness is such a fucker! ;) he sits behind me 6 days a week in school and doesn't tell me about the pain homepage though i've got him into them!! :mad:

that's not 100% right (10% roundness discrepancy :grin::grin::grin: )

i was into pain (the rebirth-album) a long time ago, but not that much that i could have said i liked them ...
well, anyway ...

HeadCrusher, go cruise-cruise-cruiseeeeeeeee :lol:
Originally posted by fireangel
*LOL* at least you guys have some good company at school, not like me who is usually asked by the surroundings "what? band? are you listening to? " .. they just can`t believe and have no idea.....

don't be to sure about that! there are two other guys in my class that listen to metal, but all the others don't know anything about it!
But I am lucky and have some friends outside school who listen to metal! :rock:

btw: are you from germany (because you listen to ooomph)?
Originally posted by HeadCrusher
don't be to sure about that! there are two other guys in my class that listen to metal, but all the others don't know anything about it!

i'm 50% of it, i guess :rolleyes:

But I am lucky and have some friends outside school who listen to metal! :rock:

fuck you ... i'd like to have at least some :grin:
(which are a little bit nearer than berlin ;) )

so, what else are you listening to, fireangel?
hmm also da jammi (vileness) hot mi grod auf die idee gebracht dass du (fireangel) fast ein deutscher (oder zumindest deutschsprachig) sein musst, sonst würdest ja keinen deutschen link posten!! *gg*
also von wo bist du?
Haven't checked this board for awhile, but to answer your questions, Yes i have been busy with Mikael, setting up a website for Hypocrisy. Due to extensive touring, holidays and problems with registering the domainname, the launch has been delayed but we are working on it.

The domain, as it stands now, will be www.hypocrisy.tv

The band have been informed of this forum and the label has been as well actually. I am really hoping to get the site up and running next month. Since it's been dragging on and on with all the problems.

For other sites I have done, you can check my site at www.the.nl

would be very cool if the page would be up so soon! i really like your arch enemy page and i am looking forward to the hypocrisy page!!
will it contain something to get in contact with the band?

grtz, CHriss
Originally posted by HeadCrusher
how did you get in the position to talk to peter liandrin??
concerning the website: i'd suggest to wait for another couple of months (maybe until x-max or something) and then talk again about making a site if the new official one is not up yet!

I'm an interviewer for a webmagazine

ah i see! lucky you!
i really hope to get in the position to meet peter one day too... we will see..
if you see him the next time tell him about the disscussions going on on this board please! ask him to take part in them because then we would be able to get the latest information about him and hypocrisy earlier and we could be sure that these informations are right!

thank you, CHriss

ps: i forgot: what is the url of the webmagazine you are writing for??