Hypocrisy With Horgh


Dec 9, 2003
Hypocrisy now has the capability to write songs that Peter could not do before with Lars. I mean sure we all love the old stuff and Lars fit well, but I am very glad that we have Horgh now as songs such as Warpath, Taste of Extreme Divinity, Weed out the Weak, etc. would not be possibe if Lars was still around.

I think this may be one of the few times in metal where a long time member leaving the band actually turned out to be good/improved the band?


Horgh :notworthy
Technically, Horgh > Lars, 1000 times

But, I cant wait to see Horgh write songs by itself such as Shamateur, Disconnected magnetic corridors, Time Warp, etc etc
We are talking about Death Metal here guys.
Most of the drummers are really good.

Horgh is cool, but he aint FUCKING SICK according to the extreme metal standards nowadays

-Samus is sick
-Nick Barker is sick
-George Kollias is sick
-Mike Smith is sick
-Tony Laureano is sick
- Derek Roddy is sick
- Longstreth is sick

etc etc.

Maybe Horgh could play like these guys, but theres no way Hypocrisy and Immortal's drums require such stellar skills
Yeah yeah but I could say that I definatly want Horgh in Hypocrisy more then Lars, as Lars never could have played to songs as warpath like Horgh.
Yes, while the simple 4/4 Lars beats fit some songs well, Horgh's speed and blasts add so much...
Horgh is definitely a good drummer and has enabled peter to write some more brutal tunes. I actually still miss Lars though. As Supernova said, he wrote some pretty awesome songs such as Disconnected Magnetic Corridors, Shamateur, Unfold the Sorrow, Black Forest, Hatred, Last Vanguard, Timewarp, and theres at least one other one more.

As far as Lars's drumming goes, i dont think it was entirely bad, i mean i've heard much worse. Yeah his blast beats were shit on the first few albums and the rest his drumming on the other albums were kinda basic. He still did have some songs of tasteful drumming in my opinion. I kinda liked his drumming on songs such as Apocalyptic Hybird, Point of No Return, Timewarp, Through the Window of Time, etc.
I think the best one he did was SYMBOL OF BAPHOMET

There is something weird (in a good way) with that song

Drums sound more tight and better than all other stuff Lars did and the prod quality overall is awesome for the year (1994)

The 4th dimension sounding entirely like that...WOW
Lars was a decent drummer. I actually thought his best work was oh his last album-The Arrival. He went out with a bang!

He was good on some older tracks though-Inferior Devotes comes to mind as probably his best show of skill
Lars was a decent drummer. I actually thought his best work was oh his last album-The Arrival. He went out with a bang!

He was good on some older tracks though-Inferior Devotes comes to mind as probably his best show of skill

Maybe Im crazy, but I thought that I heard rumors of Peter playing the drums on The Arrival because Lars was too lazy to even play anymore?
never seen this at all

all I know is that Peter said that Lars has been kicked out of the band because of a lack of commitment, as he didnt himself owned a drum for the last 10 years he was in the band.

I have never heard anything about Peter playing the drums for this album, and I woulnt belive it unless Pete says it himself

I read once though that Peter played like 70% of Penetralia's drums, something like that
yeah, drums on Penetralia are different from what Lars did in Osculum Obscenum, Peter's drum is better in all ways, more technical, etc.

and don't know, as you said, when i read that Peter did the drums for the arrival i'll believe it...

and Horg... Horg is fuckin' great and Peter can write some kind of songs wich with Lars can't do. On the other hand, Lars wrote really great songs and really Hypocrisy don't need a very skilled drummer.

you know... but what would happen to Hypocrisy if Lars still were on the drumms?? only "The Arrival albums"?? hahahaha

for me its great the way it is, even when i don't like Virus at all, ATOED is what i really like for Hypocrisy, this new one is amazing :notworthy

hahahaha well, not so drastic you know, i really like songs like warpath, scrutinized, fearless and maybe some others... but i found the whole album a little boring...

for example i really love the chorus on incised before i've ceased, but can't listen to the whole song. Also like a thousand lies... but you know...

living to die... i really don't like this song, paled empty sphere and slipin' away are 2 of my favourite songs, but the virus one... don't know how to say, but don't like it

its not a thing of unholy trve satanik kult ov hell you know... ATOED is a kick in the ass, really great fuckin album, one of the best from Hypocrisy in the decade (if not the best)
