I almost cried last night. I tape Angel every night it's on because I'm at work. So I'm watching the 100th episode and half way through the tape runs out. Now I don't know how it ended.
If you're going to tape it anyway that would be cool. But if you don't plan on taping it, don't go out of your way for me. I can probably find it on direct connect or soulseek. If not I'll paypal you some cashes. Thanks much!
well i won't be able to copy it but i am not opposed to mailing it to you as a loaner. i pay the postage out to you and you pay the return and we're even.
So while looking for information on when they might re-air the last episode of Angel on a message board, I came across a subject header that ruined the end of the episode.
i've said this a bunch this year already but this definitely the BEST episode of the season thus far and i fully expect the next few to pale in comparison.
ps. what exactly was ruined for you? because honestly there was ALOT in that episode to take note of. so if the ending was ruined that sucks BUT i promise that you will be surprised more than once regardless. pm me your address and i'll send the tape next week!
I knew before that Cordelia wouldn't be staying for more than one episode, but I didn't know that she was going to die. Reading it first really pissed me off.
oh ok. cool. i hope you enjoy it! i can't wait to see the flashback episode tomorrow although i am unsure whether i can suspend my disbelief enough to buy into angel being a submarine commander during world war II.
Yeah, I don't really like the basis of tonights episode. Smallvilles' new episode looks shitty as well. It kind of looks like they ripped off ideas from the Fast and the Furious, which I've never seen and don't care to.