I am just a happy Ayreonaut now. OMG

WOW!!! :zombie:

I didn't get much sleep (2 hours) last night because of the impression from the Star One DVD. It is AMAZING! And if there were any doubts before about Russell's vocal abilities, they are a zillion miles away because he completely blew me away! :hypno:

There is only one God, and his name is Sir Russell Allen . :notworthy

I never thought it was possible to sing this good live :yow: . He is simply not from this planet! I already knew this from the tour but memories fade with time and you start to wonder if those unbelievable things you witnessed were not only a dream.

No one is better.

Hail Sir Russell! :rock:

he's actually the only singer I enjoy listening to. Most bands, I just skip to the instrumental/solo part because the singing isn't really impressive. But Russell, omg he must be an alien :-P

(listen to Dawn of a Million Souls, damn he kicks so much ass on that song)