I Am Krigsbarn

And I was briefly prince_in_red, but nobody will remember that one :D
am i the only one who thinks it was actually very funny? :err:

i mean, aside from the fact that i did fall for it hook line and sinker, i laugh inside a very cruel laugh when i think of those who actually got mad, and most of all the few who were all respectful and hypocritically polite, going all "now, now, poor girl, stop harassing her you brutes!". :D

moreover, now that i know that she doesn't exist i can finally stop restraining myself from telling her: shut the fuck up, you ignorant bitch, and go play with your dolls. :) not that the above means anything anymore now that i know that she doesn't exist. it doesn't even feel that good. :(
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Are we feeling playful tonight, o mighty moderator? I'm glad if this is the case. You looked a bit under the weather. Of course it is quite easy to find you under stuff, but the weather was a bit too generic.
hyena said:
Are we feeling playful tonight, o mighty moderator? I'm glad if this is the case. You looked a bit under the weather. Of course it is quite easy to find you under stuff, but the weather was a bit too generic.
the weather is so exceptionally rainy around here that i managed to slide out from under it for a few minutes, but no more. i'm as playful as a dog hit by a bucket of water, first the water, then the bucket. but i'll get to your mail when i wake up tomorrow and be warned i will crack jokes, ribs.
I've got enough cracked ribs to last me a lifetime: actually the doctor cracked some more today, and I got told by both him AND my parents that I get hurt all the time because i don't exercise. As if falling off stairs every other day would reduce the pain involved. :Smug:
Like some simple theories there; what is different doesn't exist, and if it does, let's all act as if it didn't. From another point of view we can justify you guys' behavior with simple facts; first might be that I had opinions that some of your friends didn't like, second is that I didn't kiss anyone's ass, and others like my post count or my attitude not suiting to the cook clean suck & be nice female schem.

Rahvin, you can pass your way replying to this, as we know you like to have fun in a pathetic way because you're just a guy like anyone, but you can whenever needed, grab your moderator arrogance and draw the wisdom flag over your right and wrongs
So that explains the incredibly crappy swedish :D
Ah well, it should have made me suspect something, but considering the appalling way that many natives abuse their language, it was very lifelike ;) :p
*grabs his moderator arrogance, whatever that is*
(it feels soooo good)

krigsbarn said:
Like some simple theories there; what is different doesn't exist, and if it does, let's all act as if it didn't.
ah, how many profound things you read in posts on a board online. and here we were, thinking we were having fun on a nervous monday night - for some - while in fact the very structure of society was taking shape behind our misleadingly hollow words. impressive.
but i for once do not understand how is krigsbarn different from a gazillion other provocative, potentially sassy smartasses here on ultimatemetal or elsewhere on the net or - since you like to think big - in real life. me included.
i wish krigsbarn would explain to me all her revolutionary power and what earth-shattering new opinions - that were not some haphazardly put together summary of thousands of other opinions we've heard before - she introduced to this board, because as far as i remember krigsbarn - exactly like me, obviously - never broke the wall of sound and made it to tomorrow's headlines with incredible revelations about drug consumption or sexual morals.
why is krigsbarn that different? have i never heard the same opinions before, perhaps clarified a tad better? has she never heard mine before, explained a thousand times better than i have?
so you and i probably do not exist, kriggy, and it would be best if you stop the pretense. ;)

From another point of view we can justify you guys' behavior with simple facts; first might be that I had opinions that some of your friends didn't like,
yes, you are so against the grain. the posters on this board have been exclusively selected among thousands because we all share the very same ideas. we reproduce among ourselves to purify the world from those who think different, and in the case of thanny and i's offspring, those who don't have enough hair at birth.

second is that I didn't kiss anyone's ass,
yes, you are so independent and free. not like ormir and hearse, who feed me grapes, or mousewings and tebus, who beat the living shit out of anyone who disagrees with me. there is clearly no room for opposition around here, except in that corner over there where realhazard left his cheese last month.

and others like my post count or my attitude not suiting to the cook clean suck & be nice female schem.
of course everybody knows traditional girls would just have a post-count of 1,000 or more. cooking and cleaning, not to mention doing the laundry, totally requires at least 1,250 posts, while we had to raise the requirements to 1,500 for ironing after that unpleasant accident that left nick without a nipple.

Rahvin, you can pass your way replying to this,
can i? thanks! :)

as we know you like to have fun in a pathetic way because you're just a guy like anyone,
indulge me. aside from collecting parts of crushed helicopters and breeding rabid mongooses, having fun in a pathetic way is my only vice.

but you can whenever needed, grab your moderator arrogance and draw the wisdom flag over your right and wrongs
it sounds so entertaining i wish i knew what it meant. i mean, i really lack some cool clean fun in my life of late, and drawing a wisdom flag looks like good exercise too. well if you meant that i can stop being a prick, i suppose you're right. i haven't really done much aside cracking a few jokes, and i certainly never used my moderator anything against you. it's been ages since i edited or removed anything around here, to be honest, and i like it this way. if someone gets upset when i'm more outspoken just because i'm a mod around here, i'm sorry, but try not to get too sensitive: after all i'm never acting out of authority. come to think about it, i'm obviously in a position where i have to use a lot more tolerance towards jokes/mockery/insults directed a me than those directed to others, so - to follow in on your metaphor - you can grab my moderator arrogance and show the wisdom flag up my ass with all ease.
if you meant that i can't stop being a prick, well, i won't go out of my way to prove you wrong. ;)
Did I read anything from that post? No, non-existent things can't read.
And anyway, I'm not interested in whatever you can say as I didn't allow into my mind one last chance for you to prove anything more than what you have already proven so far.

So just forget it.
I shot J R.