I am the Emperor


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To be honest I haven't listened to either in years so it's hard for me to remember. I used to listen to both though, and I remember liking Anthems slightly more. Sorry I don't have a better reason.
NAD said:
EDIT: Dammit Dreamlord, you deleted your post! Now my joke makes slightly less sense! :loco:
Nope, I am not the culprit. Look towards one of the moderators.

I pick Anthems.
JayKeeley doesn't feel like dealing with foolish antics in the first 5 posts today. :cry:

So what does Anthems sound like in comparison to Nightside?
Indeed it does. My little kitten makes us well aware of that fact every so often.

This guy must unload huge oceans of pee:

That cat needs to go on Jerry Springer and fight her disobediant children and / or brother/husband. While wearing a muumuu of course.