Nate The Great
What would Nathan do?
I went with Anthems. It was the first black metal I ever bought, and it is still awesome all the way through. Nightside is damn good too.
Erik said:lolz, good thing I'm not a "blackmetaller" then.
Erik said:People with ears and brains' opinion: ITNE
All others' opinion: Anthems
Crimson Velvet said:I would say "Hvite Krists Død" is the better live song. As soon as the words "kampen mot gud og hvite krist er i gang!!!" hits the audience, the mood is just set.
EDIT: Just remembered, though... "Hvite Krists Død" isn't even on that album... Man, I'm bored tonight...
Erik said:Yeah, I'm fucking stupid not to own that yet, because I know it absolutely destroys... As I've said earlier, "Walk the Path of Sorrow" was pretty fucking amazing to see live, as poor as Satyricon is otherwise these days...