I - Between two worlds

En Vind Av Sorg said:


I've heard a few tracks from the album, and I must admit to being slightly dissapointed with them. I didn't enjoy them as much as latter day Immortal, put it that way. Will check out the whole thing at some point though.
I just got around to listening to this, and it's very good. Epic Heavy Metal with Blackened vocals, very melodic.

:kickass: stuff
Seriously, listen carefully to the vocals next time, and you'll see that Reign is indeed right! The vocals are as emotional and fitting as vocals get! Perhaps not in the obvious Mikael-sings-about-dead-grandparents-and-women-way that you kids are used to nowadays, though, so it might be difficult for you at first, but stick to it, damnit!
Its true, the vocals on Hammerheart are goddamn heart-wrenching. It is strange, because as an unaccustomed listener I'm sure they'd sound pretty unusual, but they just channel pure fucking passion! Hell, even my indie/emo/whatever-liking girlfriend identified this quality after hearing "One Rode to Asa Bay" a couple of times

edit: i've been wanting some Bathory-influenced music lately, would this I album be a good bet? I've only heard Pure Holocaust by Immortal and thought it was thoroughly :kickass:
Because of technical problems and a complete revision the Crom Webside
won't be available for approx. 2 weeks!


i appreciate it though and i'll check them out on my own since i am actually capable of using the internet no matter how lazy i make myself out to be

bathory is the best band in human history to ever play music

i have the return, hammerheart, and blood on ice...i have to say, check me in for the bathory apathy train. i recognize that without bathory they would be playing hanoi rocks covers in the üümlaüüt bär & grïll in espoo, but i like moonsorrow a lot more. oops.
Its true, the vocals on Hammerheart are goddamn heart-wrenching. It is strange, because as an unaccustomed listener I'm sure they'd sound pretty unusual, but they just channel pure fucking passion! Hell, even my indie/emo/whatever-liking girlfriend identified this quality after hearing "One Rode to Asa Bay" a couple of times

edit: i've been wanting some Bathory-influenced music lately, would this I album be a good bet? I've only heard Pure Holocaust by Immortal and thought it was thoroughly :kickass:

maybe by listening the entire album I'd find the vocals more appealing. Listening to just one song might not do Bathory justice


i have the return, hammerheart, and blood on ice...i have to say, check me in for the bathory apathy train. i recognize that without bathory they would be playing hanoi rocks covers in the üümlaüüt bär & grïll in espoo, but i like moonsorrow a lot more. oops.

What are you, high? Oh wait...

Well, coming from a Moonsorrow fan, I guess this is to be expected... :Smug: