I can smell the ProgPower dvd!

Whoa and behold what came in the mail for me.... my DVD whoo hoo.

I just popped it in(After Forever is playing) I missed their set as I had been working my way to the fence all night and had to go to the john after primal fear. err, after the john, I saw the bar, and had to be a bar fixture the rest of the night.

Whats cool, is I can see myself during the Primal fear songs. I was on the fence. The back of my shirt said METAL IS FOREVER. Neat that the song was on the dvd.

I'm glad it finally arrived.
I got my DVD a couple of days ago, it rocked, even if it did take almost a year. Very glad I got it.

So why are they not making any for this year?
After watching the dvd yesterday, I am VERY sad there will not be one for this year....