i confess. i'm a pirating, cheating scum.


Jun 15, 2002
its like 5am and i feel like confessing. since i've put dsl, i think i've bought only one album (black sabbath double live cd). thats like for the past 3 months or something. i've been downloading non-stop really, all sorts of music from all sorts of bands, big ones, smaller ones, etc. only the last week i've dl 3 ulver albums for example, i realize how much the lads would like to see me burn in hell. so what do you think of all this. is it ok, is it not, at what extent, do you do it, do you not, etc. please bear in mind that i have no income of me own and it is kind of tough for me to spend 19,90 euros on a cd, that might, at the end of the day, prove to be crap. anyways, share your thoughts and be honest. you can call me names if you want. :erk:
I download mp3s sometimes to know a band, but rarely a whole album, and if I do so, its usually cause I cant wait till its released, but then I buy it anyway... But I wouldnt dl an album and then burn it on cd if u can buy it somewhere with a nice cover and all... I think I have also a little respect towards the musicians, at least its much work doing an album...
i download many and I buy many too, and way much more I buy than I did before.. and 90% of what i bought (antimatter, anathema, lacuna coil, katatonia, etc) I'd NEVER buy and never even know if I didnt have DSL. They are not played in radio or MTV, not owned by friends and that, so its the only way I could hear about these. (OK, I dont read idiotic shitty metal magazines and that). The other thing: try to spend 6-8 hours a day - each day - with listening to music that you have the money to buy. Thats like 200 hours for one CD if I can buy 3-4 a month. That would cause some sickness. So, the final result is that I spend 3x more money for music now, and I think thats what counts.
ah, and I forgot to add, that im not pirating. Its still legal in hungary to copy music. :p
but were gonna be EU soon.. 3-4 months left. :err:
I also download music in illegal (?! WHATTA F*CK :Spin: ) ways.
But I buy the album if i really find it interesting.I don't want a signature on my harddisk and love to buy Antimatter,Anathema,Sentenced,Dream Theater,Katatonia and so on... :headbang:
OK, I confess: I dont watch TV at all. TV is evil and I wish it was banned!!! And MTV is shit. The whole public media is a piece of shite and evil brainwashing trash. :puke:
Dora said:
ah, and I forgot to add, that im not pirating. Its still legal in hungary to copy music. :p
but were gonna be EU soon.. 3-4 months left. :err:

You live in Switzerland... don´t you? You have to follow their laws and not the Hungarian laws. btw Switzerland is not part of the EU...
im not living in swiss officially but anyway, i think eu laws are also different in each country.. dunno, in some old thread I posted about it but cant find the link any more. bad thing is ppl dont know their own laws usually, they just read about US cases in papers and add some fantasy and that.. What are the restrictions about a copy for noncommercial personal use in germany e.g.? theres a new eu directive about digital rights but it also lets countries to differ.. and the US trys to force us much too.. duh
and the ugly part of copyright protection is the way they try to check ppl - cos it seriously violates privacy. Which means they put a commercial interest higher than a basic personal right..
it was all cool during the 80's with the tape trading tho. nobody complained then. the albums where far cheaper then anyway. and only a few good albums where released then. how the hell can you follow todays massive production without using the net?
the EU Directive says
Article 5.2 sets out optional exceptions to the reproduction right. As with articles 5.3 and 5.4, which of these are implemented is entirely up to Member States. The five possible exceptions are: (a) photocopying (except sheet music); (b) non-commercial private use, when fair compensation is paid; (c) non-commercial acts by libraries, educational establishments, museums and archives; (d) ephemeral recordings made by and for broadcasting organisations; and (e) non-commercial reproduction of broadcasts by social institutions, provided fair compensation is paid. Recital 35 states that when fair compensation is required, the level set should take account of damage done to the rightsholder by the exception. If minimal damage is done, no payment may be required. But Recital 36 says that Member States may require payment of fair compensation even when it is not required by the Directive."

so these exceptions are different by State. Currently what we have in Hungary is the (b) non-commercial private use, when fair compensation is paid - non commercial personal use is allowed entirely, and fair compensation is a high tax on _every_ digital storage media (Cd, DVDR, and even Smart Media, XD cards, mp3 player memories, etc).
and Ireland has the most liberal version accepting all of the exceptions as I read...
In Germany we have to follow these "rules"...:

We are allowed to make copies of the original CDs we own. We also can give away copies as a present to friends or relatives. I think 3 or 5 copies are o.k. But nothing is really defined in these cases. We are not allowed to sell copies. And it is illegal to copy CDs and DVDs that are copy-protected.
me too. i do feel bad about the bands, honestly. but the price thing is just way too much. especially for greek wages. hell, belgium had better cd prices than most big trendy shops here do. i wanted to buy a cd this weekend and i found this nine inch nails cd and it said 23,50 on the back. :erk:
If I download music of a band I like, then I gonna buy the cd sooner or later. But I also take in account that small bands who create a very good album, need the support. I won´t buy CDs from majors when they are released. Even if the album is the ultimate killer, I will wait and buy it after a year or more when the prize is adequate...

Praise DSL :worship: