I couldn't believe my luck tonight (warning:females may feel offended)

lol, i don't give a shit....i smoke by myself...it's almost normal for me to see some girls with cigarettes....in my country females smoke more than males.....
As you know I have a smoking fetish which means that I am turned on by women who smoke. I am especially turned on by the rebellious nature of young women and smoking, for example smoking in no smoking zones, smoking in hospitals, outside chemists e.t.c.

On the bus going home, I sat at the back of the bus opposite this girl who must have been about 21 years old. With all the windows closed and with No Smoking signs all over and about 12 other passangers, she lit a cigarette and smoked it all. I was so excited.

Discuss and try and share similar situations which have happened to you.

thats sad...
She wouldn't have been smoking very long if I had been on the bus that's for sure, I woulda prolly got pissed off and pretty much forcibly removed the cigarette from her if she persisted after some enraged exchange of words.

Then i'd have a quiet word with you when she got off and would explain how unreasonable you were being. I might even attempt to follow you off the bus so you knew how strongly I felt.
Profanity needs to get laid.

I doubt it. I've had sex once and then I had little sex drive for about a week afterwards but as soon as my sex drive came back it was women wearing pantyhose(tights) and smoking which turned me on. The naked woman doesn't particularly turn me on and the only reason stimulation happened during my one sexual encounter was because the woman was wearing stockings which feel the same as tights do.
I doubt it. I've had sex once and then I had little sex drive for about a week afterwards but as soon as my sex drive came back it was women wearing pantyhose(tights) and smoking which turned me on. The naked woman doesn't particularly turn me on and the only reason stimulation happened during my one sexual encounter was because the woman was wearing stockings which feel the same as tights do.

So I've always had this thing for fat black women and drugs. So there I was in a dark back alley in Compton and there she was....some fat black prostitute doing a line....Best part about it was that she only wanted some food stamps for me to hit it :dopey:
LMAO :lol: I should thought of saying something that that :p:) Nice one
Girls with a cigarette in their mouth arent sexy at all. If they'll have my dick in their mouth, that'd be more interesting
lol, for every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction... his post was funny, yours was not... :P
the would prefer the cigarette, it's bigger :lol:
The theorum is proved yet again, :lol: Very funny :D
^he needs to find his penis first.
Waaaaaay to copy the joke :erk: seriously :Smug:
Then i'd have a quiet word with you when she got off and would explain how unreasonable you were being. I might even attempt to follow you off the bus so you knew how strongly I felt.
lol, if you saw me on a bus you'd just stay quiet, trust me. Though I am nice I look very scary to those who don't know me :D But let's say you did approach me, I'd simply explain that regardless of yer tendacies to become aroused by a smoking girl, there were 12 other ppl including myself who shouldn't have to put up with that bullshit. BUUUUT cuz I'm a nice guy, I'd prolly let you make it look like you bitched me out or something so she'd be impressed and you'd get the girl's number. :D
I doubt it. I've had sex once and then I had little sex drive for about a week afterwards but as soon as my sex drive came back it was women wearing pantyhose(tights) and smoking which turned me on. The naked woman doesn't particularly turn me on and the only reason stimulation happened during my one sexual encounter was because the woman was wearing stockings which feel the same as tights do.
once :erk::ill:? :confused:
lol, if you saw me on a bus you'd just stay quiet, trust me. Though I am nice I look very scary to those who don't know me :D But let's say you did approach me, I'd simply explain that regardless of yer tendacies to become aroused by a smoking girl, there were 12 other ppl including myself who shouldn't have to put up with that bullshit. BUUUUT cuz I'm a nice guy, I'd prolly let you make it look like you bitched me out or something so she'd be impressed and you'd get the girl's number. :D

Oh, you're such a nice guy! :p
i think Profanity needs to go visit the local university campuses more often... because girls are always smoking there.. and i dont mean smoking hot only
That's how I got sex but when I went back I found they weren't very accomodating of my fetishes and didn't understand the importance of choice.

No wonder why you do not want it again, sex the first time is somthing that should be inbetween you and the one you love, go down you your local games workshop and find that hairy chick and try and knock boots with her, it will be alot beter :)