I couldn't help myself.....

I don't care about that. Some people take the nick from a band, others from a book, or a film, or whatever. Others invent it and they claim that they're very creative.
My only problem with that is that I sometimes can't tell the difference between: Needled24seven, Needled24/7, needledtwenty4seven, etc
for those who consider themselves as gay groupies I CAN HELP YOU!

here are some cool name from my own


Thanks you Welly!

who care about a avatar, or whatever-the-hell-may-be-related-to-COB ?
i know what you mean. i like to descuss the music i like not just say weather i like it or not. i would not be on hear if i did not like cob. some of the threds on hear really are quite pointless.
my name is uhh i dunno..i was in school so i made up something kinda vulgar..i hate it now...oh well. my avatar is from a card game called the Magic the Gathering. its a demonic tutor and i like the pic. my sig has a picture of Lewis Black, he is one the funniest people ive seen and my quote...i made that up so fuck off!!!
niniel said:
But i kinda noticed the similarity of you guys to boysband-fans.....having band-related avatars and Pseudos, or some of you even worse, CoB bandmember-related.....and I couldn't help but wonder, why are you guys sooooo obsessed??? I know I sound mean, but I'm more kinda weirded...I always expect from metalmaniacs to be somewhat different and less groupie than the average......

groupie my ass! people who generalize should be shot in the spot >:-( (ok ok, in most cases that is)
niniel talked like knowing exactly what metal is, and how metal fan should be. what ya know 'bout this i mean you cannot come and say: you are asshole groupies! WTF. we are COB fan, we might enjoy them.
Imho Niniel was talking about ONLY those who are using CoB song titles as their nicks, or bandmembers as their avatars.

Actually I don't like this kind of obsession myself, even If I'm very much inot Finntroll I do not use their faces or names etc... I don't think it'll make me a "bigger fan".
But If somebody wants to show his/her "obsession" this way, that is okay with me, you shouldn't care either Niniel.
And as somebody said on the first page, there are groupies for boybands and there are metalmaniacs for metalbands :) The only difference is that we like the MUSIC and does not want to screw the band(most of us :grin: )
hehe i chose Helloween and Running Wild for my avatar and signature just because... but i don't necessarily regard them as the best bands ever hehe

there you go, i'm not a Helloween groupie either, i win :-P j/k
Im really obsessed, but Ive been useing nick "bodo" for almost 3 years now and Im damn proud of it as everytime someone asks me, where does my nick came form I tell them :D

And I have quotes of this kind, cuz I think they are truth telling, not like some shitty boys-band moving feelings sick lyrics...

So dont call me an average metalhead, cuz Im defenetly not like others and I do not sleep in Chldren Of Bodom Credle each night...

And dont take seriously anythink that Ive said :lol:
Tut Ankh Amon said:
Ahem **COUGH COUGH** :rolleyes:


I said "most of us" :grin::grin::grin:

Oh btw, my avatar is Lizbeth from the game, Undying, my nickname is my real name and my sig has contains various things. A memorial, my website, a dancing banana :Spin: and my fav quote :) No CoB obsession here :p