Need some help here.


Sigurd Løberg
Feb 16, 2006
Trondheim, Norway
I've just come across something that might be a really good deal on a Mesa Dual Rectifier, but I need you guys to help me out here.

The good things first. Price.
The seller is selling it for 9000nok (about 14500usd) and a new amp cost 26 500nok here (just under 4300usd).
I talked to the seller on the phone and he seemed like a nice guy, honest and trustworthy. I checked his name and number to be sure and he seems to be who he says he is (I know, I'm paranoid).

The bad.
Hiss. The seller told me that the amp emits some kind of hiss or noise at times. Kinda what you'd expect from a dirty potmeter sound, but it's there when the amp is left alone as well.
He said that he could take it to a tech and get it checked out, but that would mean a considerable increase in price.

What do you guys think? Should i go for this amp? It's been a dream of mine to own a dual rectifer since I was 17 and the price is just too fucking good to ignore this deal.
Do any of you guys have an idea what could cause the noise, and if there's a simple (or cheap!!) way to fix it?

Yes I've considered that. Even if it will cost me some money, I could still sell the amp with considerable profit if I wanted to. Any ideas as to what may cause the amp to hiss and make noise?