DI problem? i need help

Is not normal...
Sounds like interferences from electrical grid. You are not using a proper DI box in conjunction with a laptop with poweradapter that has a earthing contact, right? If its a laptop try running it ONLY with the battery and disconnect the cable. If then the hiss is gone you need a proper DI box which has a galvanic isolation (transformer).

Also, when you are sitting too close in front of a TFT/LCD Monitor while recording DIs you get a lot of interferences from it
i am using pc instead of laptop mate..thanks for the tips i'll try using a di box(this di is straight recorded to my interface)
Sadly, I'd say "a proper" DI box will not help in this case. It can offer short term help if it has a ground lift switch and you have ground loop hum, but judging by the clip that's not the issue here. If you have dimmer lights in your home, make sure they are either totally off or on, don't set them to some value in between. Dimmers emit some weird shit. Along with dirty power grid, you may also have some strong EMI source near your home (big power transformer for ex.), and if it is so you're shit outta luck, 'cause you can't do anything about it short of enclosing your room in Faraday's cage, which is expensive. I remember seeing some video from Rutan's Mana studios (which is a rather good studio!), where they used tape to mark the spot where EMI is the lowest possible in the studio. Move with your guitar through the room and see where the noise is at its lowest, and use that sport when recording.
Good luck, you're gonna need it.

EDIT: here it is, case in point

What about other connections to your pc? Any other interfaces? Other devices which use power supplies, like pedals or effects? Try unplugging other devices, see if that helps. Also look at other USB devices like wireless keyboards, etc. That kind of high pitched noise might indicate that sort of issue.
You have to do some experimenting with everything that comes to your mind.
Not long ago i noticed i had some awfull interferences when recording DIs and i couldn't find the source. But then i did..it was the neighbours tv. i had to move to another room which wasn't direct next to the neighbours room.

try to get a laptop with battery and try it with it only and then go from there adding other devices and also move around in your room/apartment.