Recording a new band need some help.


Jun 8, 2012
Hey guys I'm about to start working on a new project and need some pointers. The sound is going to be more of a hardcore type deal than full on metal. I'm looking for a sound similiar to Hundredth and the new Bring Me The Horizon record. So I'm searching for a new amp and wondered what you dudes thought would work best for a sound similiar to those listed.
For some side info, if it makes a difference... I'll be dual tracking with a single sm57 into my focusrite pro 24 into Logic Pro. For drums, superior (if you have any good suggestions to get a good drum sound let me know) I'm really trying to get a good beefy natural sound not a super polished metal record. Thanks guys!
Currently nothing. I've have owned a jsx and 6505 in the past as well as a Marshall cab. I really liked the 6505 which I will probably go back to. Just looking for other options. Maybe a combo or something.
5150 and Mesa cab is really hard to go wrong with. It can do beefy/natural as well as polished, just depends on the amount of tracks you do, how tight the guitars are, and how high you've got the gain/presence/mids.

The JSX will be a bit more versatile, but the 5150 will also definitely work. I love both of those amps to death.
Thanks. For rhythm I definitely prefer the 6505/5150 but for leads I like the JSX. What are your opinions on the 6505/5150 combo? Im undecided between that and a head and 2x12 with v30s.
The cab makes a HUGE difference. I'd much rather get a mesa 2x12 (if you can't afford a 4x12 - check craigslist. Sometimes you can get a screaming deal on them) than use the stock combo in a 6505.

From what I recall most of the sounds I liked out of the combo amps were when they were hooked up to external cabs....

My vote would be 5150/ 6505 into a mesa 2x12, if not too expensive a 4x12. That way you'll also have the cab available to pair with any other amps that people may bring in.
Thanks! i said 2x12 because there is a mesa on craigslist for $300!!! So i figure 5150-mesa-sm57-focusrite pro-logic for a solid Hundredthish tone? for dual tracking how much gain do you generally decrease?
Oh and would you recommend superior or slate for something like this. Im leaning towards superior since it is less precessed but let me know.
Mesa 2x12 is fine. I don't like the 5150 combos - they're voiced more like the 515II (aka worse IMO) and are heavier than satan's shit. For gain I generally like the 5150 around 3-4 with a TS in front.

I'd go for something like Evil Drums via Superior if you HAVE to program.
I absolutely have to program, which sucks because ive never recorded drums before and would like some experience. This may seem dumb compared to micing a cab but I could borrow a gsp 1101 and save the money for gear if it is close enough to the real deal. I have listened to some comparisons between it and a 6505 and they are very close.
Aslo regarding the Evil Drums. They sound awesome but is the add on itself seriously $200?!