I decided what to buy first


student of the d'eh
I got the Skydancer/ Of yada yada yada CM issue.
Perhaps it's best to just go in sequence.
Next up will be both Gallery and Mind's Eye

What I hear is just simply better than the similar-era stuff of In Flames, who I've just completely lost interest with (though their new album is an improvement over Geighman)
Yeah, like he said...be prepared for the mighty leap from Mind's I to Projector...but each and every single album is both beautiful and unique, no matter what your personal preference in style...:D
d_j, does your avatar reflect affiliation to christianity? just curious, i'm not one of those "satan spawn the whatever" types.

let's just say hyena that I'm a catholic who has serious problems with the church...but yes, i am affiliated, and have respect for, what its stood for rather than its misdemeanours of the day :D
Originally posted by Dark_Jester
let's just say hyena that I'm a catholic who has serious problems with the church...but yes, i am affiliated, and have respect for, what its stood for rather than its misdemeanours of the day :D

the exact same applies to me therefore i have no real comments. :)

phyre: you obviously do not understand the difference between a joke and a well-thought serious statement :lol:

moreover, inverted crosses seem to me part of the satanist symbolism.

inverted pentagrams are too cool for me.

misanthrope, i'm absolutely sick of that image you keep on posting. you're a disgusting agent provocateur. fuck yourself. seriously.

i've always found it a little confusing...seing Peter was supposed to have been crucified upside down, I woulda naturally assumed that the inverted cross would have stood for standing against the odds, dying for a cause...kinda like the normal one...just my opinion, shoot me down in flames for it :lol:
well, i remember that the wannabe satanists used to wear inverted cross necklaces back in my high school years, and most black metal bands use inverted cross stuff in their artwork...

Originally posted by phyre
OMG URE SO MATURE AND COL HYENA!!!!!!!!11 LLOL look. i am not a satanist. don't call me a satanist. ok thx bye

okay, point taken. you're not a satanist. i won't call you one. i'm not mature nor cool. don't call me mature and cool.

Hmm...I wonder if its worth dividing up between Satanism and Devil-worship...
You see Satanism comes from the Jewish name for Satan...otherwise known as 'the opposer'. Rumour has it that Lucifer, Satan and Beelzebub are actually three different demons, and that Satan himself is not actually evil or fallen, but God's opposer...where the term Devil's Advocate came from...a person who would automatically argue the opposite to give a balanced view...anyway, goin off topic.
Satanism was the original atheism...it was a branch of people who rebelled against the church, denying existence of a God or Devil, or if believing, believing that these forces had no power over them, and that the only power was that of the self...thus opposing the church, and thus the name 'Satanism' was born...similar to heresy.
And demon-worshipping speaks for itself.
I'll shut up now :cry:
You're right about one thing Phyre my friend, we COULD argue about this for hours...religion and politics have gotta be the most decisive thing on this planet...apart from discussion of whether the new In Flames is good or not, snark ;)