i depend on the internet so much

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
its amazing how much my digital life revolves around the internet.

out on my town in ireland i think they were updating the exchange for like and hour there and my life fell to bits!

my gaming server for battlefield 2142 disconnected. thats 64 angry players

my actual web server crashed - thats potential angry web users!

no email, no sneap forums, my dad was going crazy because he couldn't read his newspapers online, my sister was going nuts because she couldn't buy a hair dryer off ebay and my mam was going crazy because she couldn't check her online banking.

on that note my dropbox died while uploading an mp3 to a mate whos applying to a college in england and he needs it asap!

my ps3 crashed because it was updating and suddenly lost wi-fi connection and our two digital satellite recievers crashed because they need to constantly be connected to broadband.

my digital life went to shit! thank fuck its back again!
i sympathize man

similar things happened 2 me in the uni house, although not quite as drastic, but had to go 2 uni to submit my work instead of doing it from the comfort of my bed (yes i know im just being lazy)
I juts despise being reachable 24/7 and loathe all the social networking stuff... other than that, the intarwebz is pretty cool dawg!
I once went on without TV and internet for 2 months.. first week was hell as i was also very much in need of digital entertainment and had things to read and do through the internet.
But after that week i found out that there is so much more to do then watching movies, shows, emailing and browsing through a endless well of interesting material that we call internet.. so i went fishing, biking, training, taking long walks in the nature and work... no more lolling and rofls, it was like life used to be before you had internet, and when TV was limited to only a few hours a day.. like a kid again, it was very refreshing.

But then i got connected again and now im in the same situation again, but even more dependent on the internet more then ever.. lol, i just cant do without it anymore.. but if you are without it for a few days.. try and deprive yourself from it, mark my words.. life will be different and quite refreshing... lol... IF you can hold out.