who do metals heads cry so much?

This thread is getting off topic so let me remind everyone of the central theme here: Metallica= rich lame-ass has beens who sold out big time and betrayed us all! The first time I heard "Hero of the day" I got really depressed because I realized they had achieved ultimate suck and would never recover. Abandon ye all hope those who enter the record store to buy this new album!:Puke:
The central theme has to do with a lot more than Metallica... it has to do with people bitching about bands.


thanks for that quote, i'm kind of surprised there only one metallica sucks comment and the thread is still intelligent.

However, I will never support them and if I one day randomly bump into J Hetfield, who was my hero at one point, I wouldn't even talk to him.

that's harsh.
i don't understand any sort of fanaticism...i didn't even know these guys names till about 2 or 3 years ago, & i still don't know the name of any of the members from my favorite band (Night in Gales)

i just enjoy the music. if a band or song starts sucking, i stop listening...simple as that for me. wish i could understand what these people were feeling, cause i sure don't feel it