I feel so...

here's something that might make some of you quit smoking
he(or she) who smokes gives his(or her) heart to god and not to satan!:lol:

@Ollo- fianlly a response I've been waiting to hear
:Smokedev: @ Ilan: yeah I think that my reponse sounds great !!!! ;)

all people who smoke, know the effects but ....... it doesn't change nothing in most cases!

I think that UnConscious was right..It gets lower and lower,and the feeling that I had after the first joint, may actually never happen again.:(.
That sucks.
Try cough syrup. A few of those gel caps or a few shots of that stuff will make you feel sooooooo relaxed. Tired and drowsy, but relaxed.
why? I'm perfectly happy with my addiction and it improves my health actually...rather than damage it

who told you that??

The Oxycontin tablets can be crushed, then snorted like cocaine
or they can be crushed, dissolved in water, then injected just like heroin

plus they are more cheaper.