I finally found THE wallpaper for me - show yours!

someone airbrushed it out for some dumb reason. she has nipples, srsly.

No wallpaper for me, just total black.

Haha especially YOU only have a total black wallpaper? Dude, I call you "lord of the colours" since I saw your artworks the first time :lol: Pretty ironic.

My buddy that owns the studio I work out of sometimes actually has that exact print hanging up over his console Great choice Felix

I love that red head's ass

@Carlos thanks! :rock: I also prefer the red head´s ass. I love this picture!
What city is that? Vegas? Or Dubai? Looks nice!
Which studio is that?
glenn hansard... on a metal forum...


Haha, that's how I roll. Went Contra dancing last night and brought both my Lady Gaga and Opera collection. I would have brought my metal (read: SLAAAAAAAAAAYERRRRRRRRR) but the dancing was held in a church. :D Didn't feel like getting kicked out that night.

Did it my self from pictures of the workshop floor at work, and some pictures of concrete, wood and a roadblock. ;)
The reason its a bit "blotchy" is because i used my cellphone to take the pictures(I used a Nokia N73, killer camera for a phone.).

Edit: Full resolution download