i finally got my computer set up

Cosmos is like the best thing to happen to the game. You should really check it out. You can add as many hotbars as you want (three usually - two vertical bars on the sides of the screen and another one in the bottom right, but you can add as many as you want w/ key bindings. Really useful for putting items/different skills (you will get an assload) or professions).

Also there are like 1000 neat little features like the quest minion (little window that always shows you your progress on quests, like how many quest items you've collected and you can choose which ones you want to be displayed in minion) and MonitorStatus (displays your hp/mana, your party's, and the mob you've targeted at all times (or you can turn this on for "only in combat") in a small block of text in the middle of the screen as a percentage. Good for keeping track of hp/mana for healers and junk.)

Really, it just makes the game a million times easier to play, not that it was difficult or confusing before.

Oh and Cosmos is just one specific thing to download, but basically it's a collection of like 50 different add ons.