Y halo thar

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton
So it occured to me while I was posting earlier that I haven't posted here in, like, fucking forever. Nad was still One Inch Man last time I even looked at this board.

Basically, I got a job, lost it, went back to school, hated it, got a woman,* and am looking for a new job so I can put in a down payment on an apartment with her, either here in San Francisco or in Colorado where she lives. Or maybe somewhere totally fucking random like Seattle.

Also I've been playing hella World of Warcraft, writing a lot, and listening to a ton of Skyclad and stuff. Finally saw Overkill and they fucking ruled. Been totally fucking sober for a few months, too

That's my life if anyone was wondering where the hell I've been. What'd I miss?

*I bet you were expecting me to say "And broke up," weren't you? TOO CANNY.
Yeah, I was wondering.

Uh, I didn't wanna spend money on weed, and the only people here who'll smoke me out are depressing, they've smoked themselves retarded and don't do anything but get high and listen to Amon Amarth, which is cool except when you do it EVERY FUCKING DAY. And I kinda burned out on being drunk at college, I only drink complicated cocktails now and I usually just make them for chicks.
Hey man, more power to you. I smoke a fuck lot more now, and I'm enjoying it. I sense that I will soon become ready to cool off, but for now let the good times roll I guess.

oh ahhahah yeah I was expecting you to say that BUT OH MAN YOU TOOK IT IN A WHOLE OTHER DIRECTION, I DID NOT SEE THAT ONE COMING

*btw this is batman
Wow, havent seen you since basically i was MethodicalWasteManagement
Pyrus said:
Been totally fucking sober for a few months, too
weak! :loco:

so are you going to school up there or is that over with? i quit smoking, played a show, and still wish i lived somewhere else. [/nutshell]
Chromatose said:
*btw this is batman
i laughed really fucking hard at this.
Chromatose said:
*btw this is batman

Haha, that reminds me of something. I was once in a Communications course with some friends and for extra credit we could do impromptu speeches from picking topics out of a hat. My friend got one where he had to tell the class how he was like Batman but be truthful and realistic. He just said he was Batman and then went on to describe himself as Batman. I cracked up. Mine was about why Star Trek was better than Star Wars. I don't remember exactly what I said but I think I said Picard was an intergalactic pimp and then insulted the class. I don't know wtf was going on there.

Back on topic: Hello person I sort of remember. :wave:
See, I love this board cause no matter what total bullshit I post (LOLZ I HAVE TEH WOMENS! HAY GUYS) the replies will be worth reading even if they have like NOTHING to do with the topic.

Nad–City College up here in SF, cause I just can't fucking deal with SoCal. But I've decided to just take some time off and worry about school later. SF State maybe. Something that doesn't suck. Right now, getting some money is a higher priority.

WTF Chrome, you're not Batman. Batman's a billionaire, also he lives with a teenage boy who doesn't wear pants.

Other stuff which I'll post some other time cause I'm fucking TIRED. Nice to see y'all.