I found a new band to hate!!!

Sounds like a thing Joey Sturgis would have done, sounds like a watered down TDWP. Good production, shit music. GOD how I hate that autotuned effect... :erk:

EDIT: It IS Joey's work. He puts his mark on every band he does, in a good way of course. Too bad I've never heard a band produced by him that's not so emo...


Can I?...no...no, I can't

I just can't put into words how jarringly awful that breakdown was. Before, it was meh; I really really liked the synths, though the autotuned vox were lame, and the melody/vocalist style very cliche to the genre, but nothing about it really pissed me off that much...

and then the breakdown came in...ssiiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhh
And good god what spastic song structure, those transitions have all the subtlety of a sledgehammer - and what the hell is up with the singer's "running man" thing at 1:34? :rolleyes: These kinds of breakdowns are just so juvenile; dissonant, noisy, and ugly, Behemoth doesn't need to resort to such blatantly simplistic methods for their heaviness, and the result is it's a bajillion times heavier IMO; dissonant noise is a cop out when trying to be heavy IMO!

But I still do love the synths at least! :D

EDIT: And quite honestly, the techno part at the end is so absurdly laughably out of place that I just can't hate it, it's too silly :lol:
And good god what spastic song structure, those transitions have all the subtlety of a sledgehammer - and what the hell is up with the singer's "running man" thing at 1:34? :rolleyes: These kinds of breakdowns are just so juvenile; dissonant, noisy, and ugly, Behemoth doesn't need to resort to such blatantly simplistic methods for their heaviness, and the result is it's a bajillion times heavier IMO; dissonant noise is a cop out when trying to be heavy IMO!

But I still do love the synths at least! :D

haha fuckin attack attack! i mean the cd is really well put together. if you like that style it's great. but yeah there pretty fuckin bad live! well actually really bad live. he fuckin uses and autotune pedal live and still sounds like complete shit hahah.