I usually quit before getting the chance to be fired. Keeps my pride in tact, but if i ever got fired, i would totally say that!
the situation was BEYOND fucked up. it was that guy and another friend of mine, they were the only 2 people working at the store (it was a little alcove in a corner of the mall, basically) and they were accused of stealing an amount of money that just kept increasing when a) the store didn't even make the initial figure and b) it was someone else who cleared out the register and took the money to the bank at the end of the day. and 2 new employees who'd just started like a week before the accusations were made were included in the "theft" too ... obviously, it's ALLLLLLL KINDS of shit. the "took my jerb!" guy, dennis, just had a baby with his girl, one of my best friends, and the other guy, matt, is dating another one of my best friends and they've got court shit coming up in jan. i don't know full details but i'll be back in town to get all the updates.