i had a dream...

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Nvrmr2FeelDPain (10:59:30 AM): just woke up
Nvrmr2FeelDPain (10:59:36 AM): i had a dream i was hanging out with metallica
clamatoboy (10:59:51 AM): did you kick their ass for being so shitty?
Nvrmr2FeelDPain (10:59:55 AM): and i was like "So, Satriani is playing all of Surfin with the Alien here soon"
Nvrmr2FeelDPain (10:59:59 AM): and they were like "OO"
clamatoboy (11:00:05 AM): hahahahhahahaha
clamatoboy (11:00:08 AM): WTF!
Nvrmr2FeelDPain (11:00:09 AM): and i said
Nvrmr2FeelDPain (11:00:20 AM): "Since youre big rockstar people, maybe you can get us all in for free"
clamatoboy (11:00:34 AM): lol
Nvrmr2FeelDPain (11:00:37 AM): so they called, and for whatever reason, the chick on the speakerphone thought they were Green Carnation
Nvrmr2FeelDPain (11:00:53 AM): actually, hetfield turned INTO Kjetil, their singer
Nvrmr2FeelDPain (11:01:06 AM): and they were like "...is this Don?"
Nvrmr2FeelDPain (11:01:17 AM): and Kjetil said "no, he isnt in the band anymore"
Nvrmr2FeelDPain (11:01:22 AM): but there was never a Don in GC!
clamatoboy (11:01:40 AM): hahahahahaha
Nvrmr2FeelDPain (11:01:43 AM): then the chick on the phone said "thats ok, he slept with dudes anyway"
clamatoboy (11:01:53 AM): haha!
Nvrmr2FeelDPain (11:02:09 AM): then some kid i remember from highschool showed up, ran by, then i woke up
Nvrmr2FeelDPain (11:02:14 AM): WTF
Nvrmr2FeelDPain (11:02:23 AM): i had to get that out now before i forgot
Nvrmr2FeelDPain (11:02:24 AM): hahaha
IIIIIII had a dreeeeeeam I was yoooou strong as the fiiiiIIIiiire
In your veiiiIIIiiiiIIIIins then when I caaaAAAAAAlled out your
Naaaaame I would remain and witness the pain
I am beyoOOOOOOond silent black I will be back
As your guardiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
Speaking of Green Carnation...well, kinda. I'll never forgive the USAF for making me go on a week-long field exercise and missing Therion and Trail of Tears with the singer from GC.

Annalisa went and rubbed it in my face. Bitch.
IIIIIII had a dreeeeeeam I was yoooou strong as the fiiiiIIIiiire
In your veiiiIIIiiiiIIIIins then when I caaaAAAAAAlled out your
Naaaaame I would remain and witness the pain
I am beyoOOOOOOond silent black I will be back
As your guardiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

Morgan La Fayyyyyyy raven on my sill of froooOOOST
Far AWAY from the seaaaaaaa of the settingggg sUUUUUUUN
*do da doodle de dooo*
Taught so well, magic Merlin The Wizard. Maiden of beeauutyy dressed in raaiinbow come to me. Come to me na nananana na na naaanaaanaaa. Come to me na nananana na na nananaaaaaaaa
i had a dream i was killing people...like i was a sniper. it was a school on killing people...very strange, like we had different areas and we were killing people at airports from korea or something....i had an HK and a scout sniper rifle i believe.....a dry-erase board.......something about a helecopter ontop of a panda and strawberries on a tv screen to demonstrate on how to kill people...

i have these strange dreams every night...
i had a dream the other night that i was leaving work and realized i brought the remote control with me. what remote control? we don't even have a tv at work...but anyhow, i had a bus to catch so i just figured i'd take it back to work the next day.

last night i dreamed that derick and i had a lot of sex in between naps. nap. sex. nap. sex. nap. sex :oops: