
^^ Why-Lee^^
Sep 19, 2007



Oh man i told you guys the spider valve is awesome just have a listen to this....


I swear to god this cab is the fucking daddy , I LOVE it.

It'd be sweet to know what you guys think about the Line6/Engl mix :headbang::kickass:
They look and sound badass but they're built like shit and 80% of the weight is the metal grill in the front...

Ehum. How thick are they? Yes, I have an XXL cab. Surely the metal grill doesn't weigh 63kg's (~140lbs)?

Engl cabs sounds good. Really good,

Edit: Tell me the "built like shit" -thing. What's your experience?
Yeah, that whole "built like shit" thing seemed unlikely, but after finding out that apparently the same could be said for Framus stuff, I was getting a bit nervous about wanting an Engl Pro 4x12 so badly...
Ehum. How thick are they? Yes, I have an XXL cab. Surely the metal grill doesn't weigh 63kg's (~140lbs)?

Engl cabs sounds good. Really good,

Edit: Tell me the "built like shit" -thing. What's your experience?

I had an endorsment deal with ENGL a couple of years ago and played a powerball through the standard 4*12 with V60's.

I liked the sound but I was surprised with how ridiculously heavy the metal grille was, I might have exaggerated a bit with the 80% thing though, but It's got to be around the 10KG mark, and that weight for me is totally unnecessary since I'm carrying my own stuff when gigging.

When I opened the cabinet up to change one of the speakers to a V30 for recording I just noticed the fact that it's not as "built like a tank" as it looks from the outside. Also the vinyl chipped too easy on the cab that I had. After five gigs it looked like it had been on tour for five years and I even used a cover for it.

I do still say that they look and sound badass though, but I traded my cab for two beat up marshall 1960BX instead when I got off the power-metal train.

EDIT: Here are two pics from the last recordings I did with my ENGLs, sorry for the huge format.


Yeah, that whole "built like shit" thing seemed unlikely, but after finding out that apparently the same could be said for Framus stuff, I was getting a bit nervous about wanting an Engl Pro 4x12 so badly...
no fucking way. the engl cab wood is twice as thick as the framus stuff. framus is even a bit less thick than marshall. but framus is exaclty the same as harley benton, which does sound nice! don't get me wrong. but the engl cab def. has got more balls
When I opened the cabinet up to change one of the speakers to a V30 for recording I just noticed the fact that it's not as "built like a tank" as it looks from the outside. Also the vinyl chipped too easy on the cab that I had. After five gigs it looked like it had been on tour for five years and I even used a cover for it.

Thanks for clarifying that. I have no idea how the Engl V60 sounds, but the XXL V30 is pissing all over the Mesa Standard we have, and I have no plans on touring with it (using the Axe-FX), so I'm all set. Bad vinyl or not ;) I'll have to open it now, to see how bad it is.
I got a Engl Pro V30 cab. I dont know about the standard but the Pro is built like a tank. Its thicker than a Mesa cab and a lot thicker than my Marshall cab. I have never heard anyone complain about them or their construction either and i researched them a lot before buying one so....


Them's fucking beautiful Savo - how do you like the Blackmore?


Yeah i really like the Blackmore. Great amp. It was good with the Marshall cab but the Engl cab made a HUGE difference. (Marshall cab had GT75s).

The Blackmore is versatile but it really excells at more modern and heavy stuff. I use the Marshall for Iron Maiden type tones and then the Blackmore for more modern and heavier stuff (From like Metallica upwards - and i only keep the gain at about 5 or 6). The Engl cab made it even heavier and gave it some extra low end too and made it seem like i was running the gain slightly higher - again, great for more modern sounding stuff.

Its also a really clear amp which is what i really wanted. It maintains good clarity on high gain settings. Its slightly on the brighter side of things compared to other Engls (which again is what i was looking for) but its not as nearly as bright as a Marshall. The brightness really helps it cut through and helps give it that clarity.

Dont really know what else to say :lol: I havent played a savage yet but its supposed to be based off that (a more stripped down version) thats slighty clearer and a little less compressed and aggressive - but trust me, its still plenty aggressive. The name sometimes make you think its suited for more rock based or earlier heavy metal stuff but its not. In fact i find it way too heavy for that kind of stuff and as much as i want to use it for that i find i have to use the Marshall and save the Blackmore for the heavier side of things
I just got my Blackmore and I find I have the gain on channel 4 cranked to the max to get the sort of metal tones I'm used to getting with my 5150 with the gain at like 4... It sounds fucking awesome though and with the gain on full it's pretty much perfect, I just sort of wish I had that extra gain there even if I never used it... I don't like having any of my settings cranked for some reason :lol:

I just got a Mesa cab too, and my Single Rectifier is on it's way in the mail so now it sounds like I need to pick up an ENGL cab so I can have a matching set of 3 :lol: