i hate apple so much. seriously, i can't fucking believe this shit.

This kinda fits in this thread:
1) went to dinner last night, waited 15-20 minutes just for the stoned waiter to show up to the table. Eventually, he made a comeback and brought us some free shit and an apology. His tip went from 0% to around 18.5% ($10). I paid the bill with my ATM card and checked my statment against my receipt today. Fucker changed the amount. Called the place today: refund of the entire meal, dude fired. Isn't something like that a federal crime? Or does it depend on the amount?
2) I was watering the plants on my back porch this afternoon and saw the Mexicans on the construction project behind my place start packing up for the day. At one point, I watched them unplug all their equipment from some outlets that are part of our communal electric source (powers our HOA's lights and irrigation and shit like that). I was like WHAT THE FUCK? and called their foreman and sent an email to the owners of the project. I'm pretty much just going to send them our entire electric bill since there's no way to determine how much juice they used. Hahaha oh yeah, I've also caught them using my faucet and hose. HERE! LET *ME* PAY FOR THAT!!

Kinda stuff happens to me all the time. The bint that crashed into my wife and son and totalled my car didn't have insurance but she sure enough called my insurance company to see if she could get some money from them. I think she disappeared though because they called us and said they couldn't get a hold of her and asked if maybe we had her number. OH SURE! I'LL GET RIGHT ON THAT!
I bought an Ipod, thinking the 60 gig one would last me for a while. The thing is annoying as hell. The tags fuck up alot of the time, no way to organize if your ipod isn't hooked up to your computer. Itunes sucks ass, and is annoying as hell to work with. I got the Winamp plugin, and it fucks up the upload sometimes. I seriously wish the people I asked about having an Ipod actually cared more about their music. They all replied.. yeah it works great, fucking douche bags don't even know what's up.
Yeah. I had just finished installing his new seat and said something to the tune of "hahaha don't go getting in any accidents". Less than a half mile later, my wife called me and said, "some bint just fucking destroyed my car!"

Best part, the wife was going to return some $12 sunglasses that broke in half.

#1 - Fucking dumbass stoners (not all stoners are dumbasses, but I hate the ones that are)

#2 - Thats BS, they better pay it.

#3 - Wow... thats nuts, if anyone needs to be forking out cash its that dumb bint who nailed your car.

@ Swizzle - Thats ipods for you, don't believe the hype, actually do some research. Creative beats teh Fagpod every time from what I've seen. The mRobe also beats it.
Reign in Acai said:
Dorian ranting about life is why I come to this quiet little forum.
that's cause when you're elbow deep in a dirty diaper, baby, that's what life is all about am i rite

Dorian, glad Andropoles or whatever your son's name is and wife are okay :kickass:

yesterday I watch a car crash into a van, and the van takes off down the street with the car then following in hot pursuit!! damn I hate paying car insurance but lack of it is major suckage for everyone concerned.

oh, plus the other weekend I turn onto my street and there's crime scene tape everywhere and police cruisers....another crack dealing homie fertilizing the neighborhood flora with his hemoglobin. my neighbor from the west indies says, "yah mon, I see dat niggah runnin cross de street and POP POP POP! Nigga go down in a heap!"
@Lizard: Andropoles hahahahaha classic
@ the rest of your post: damn! Did the car ever catch up to the van? Also, when crack dealers start dying on your lawn, it's time to move out to the burbs, man.
Jesus fucking christ. My ipod just went out again. This is my fourth one of the same model that has quit working.
Regular iPods aren't supposed to be moved around a lot, what with them being regular ol' harddrives and all. Hence, the iPod Dance is false advertising.

Hooray flash-based Nanos.
I've gone through 2 ipods already.

First one I had a warranty on, lasted about a year before crapping out. Granted I used to abuse the shit out of it (Keeping it in my pocket while in a mosh pit = bad bad idea).

The one I have now I actually spent the extra $25 to buy a hard shell case for. Like a lot of hard drives, the ipod developed bad sectors, which means it might store 30 GB worth of music, but it freezes up completely whenever I try to play something on those sectors at random (always the same songs too). I had it over a year so the warranty is probably void by now. Oh yea, it also liked to format itself for me and not be able to read my songs, so basically I lost a ton of stuff and had to spend a day without any portable music to put everything back on it.

ipods have so many 3rd party items and accessories, that's one of the major things that makes them popular, but in reality, they are such an inferior product for the price paid. I almost feel sorry for anyone that snagged an iphone because they won't be working right in a year. Almost :P
the store gave me another ipod for free, so I'm still debating on whether or not to buy another plan for the next year, or just go buy a better one.