i hate metal shows

But yeah, preferably no piercings. And no slag tag tattoos either (i.e. on the lower back) - though normal tattoos are fine, like on the arms.

1. Yeah, we call those tramp stamps here, but yeah.
1.1 When I was in some shithole in New Hampshire, there was a tattoo parlor with a sign outside featuring 10 year old girls with tramp stamps.
1.2 The store next to it sold cock rings in the front, BB guns farther back, fake swords even farther back, and these beautiful stained glass bongs in the way back
1.3 New Hampshire sucks balls
2. Please don't sign your posts, we can see who you are.

Forgive my generalization, but most girls tend to prioritize more material things than music.
I'd agree with that in general.
I hate girls in gothic fashion, they look very ugly in those black dresses, black make-up. I like girls listening to metal, but dressed like a normal girl.
Yup, females truly knowledgeable and critical about metal are a rare find indeed. I know a couple, but one's taken and I'm not even remotely interested in her that way and the other I don't even know very well. Honestly, most of the metal chicks I've met have been either whores or just downright bad people. Metal shows/bars/etc. are the last places I would scope out for honeys. College classes are much better for meeting smart girls (and by college classes I mean upper division classes).
Its tough finding a "metal girl" who isn't a poser. Especially at a concert, but for me going to a concert is solely about seeing the band and hearing the music.

Exactly. I never go to shows to pick up women (then again, I'm married, haha), that's just ridiculous. If you can't find your pussy elsewhere and be ok with it, something is wrong.

On the other hand, there's something to be said about the more slutty chicks that will flirt with you for no apparant reason. :kickass:
Gothic fashion is a bit of a mixed bag. I've seen it done horribly wrong, but on rare occasions there will be someone who gets it spot on. I fucking hate cybergoths, they're just emos in latex and fluorescent corsets. Trendy fuckers. Ugh.