i hate metal shows

If a woman gets her ears pierced, it's fine. Same for gay men. If a straight guy does it, it's gay. Or retarded. Any piercings anywhere else and it's retarded.
Pierced lips = incredibly stupid. Pierced tongues = only for girls who suck a lot of cock.
Lip and Tongue piercings usually get infected, also tongue piercing can make you sound retarded.
Go to 21+ shows. Your problem with underage girls is solved. 21+ shows just tend to be better anyway.

It seems like the vast, vast majority of girls at metal shows are there with their boyfriends. Since the guy/girl ratio of actual metal fans is about 100:5, girls have their pick, and they meet guys easily if they aren't ugly.
Lip and Tongue piercings usually get infected, also tongue piercing can make you sound retarded.

But the main reason not to get them is that there's no reason too.

Unless you find this hot:
A girl's taste in music isn't really one of my top priorities for starting a relationship. I might meet and flirt with girls at a concert but I'm not gonna ask for their phone number or anything.
I dislike any and all piercings. Bar tight nostral hoops, for some reason.

My ex repeatedly got extra piercings without even telling me she was going to do it. Which, understandibly, annoyed me. Though everyone thinks I was a dick because it was 'her choice'.

Yeah, but they don't have to look at it and put up with the moaning about how sore it all was.

But yeah, preferably no piercings. And no slag tag tattoos either (i.e. on the lower back) - though normal tattoos are fine, like on the arms.

Why does she have to look like a metalhead? Why cant she wear cargo pants and a pink shirt?

Stereotyping people based on looks is stupid.

well i just meant they seem to just try to hard to look TOTALYZ MEHTUL. doesnt have to look like a metalhead, just not like some scene faggoth transvestite. not stereotyping, just not into the gothic/scene look.
I agree on the gothfashion opinion. It fucking sucks, whatever happened to girls with long UNDYED hair, boots, patch/leather jacket, bandshirt, etc? (and without being over the top "look at me I'm an 80s wannabe", as too many people around here are(as in Sweden not this forum :p), not only glam but thrash and oldschool metal in general).
I don't really think too many girls who listen to metal are really into goth fashion, or maybe just in a minor sense. That's something you'd find in goth/industrial clubs but then again, there's a few different styles of goth fashion. The only part of goth fashion that I don't like are the overly cyber goths, specifically their bright fake/synthetic hair extensions - I just think it looks stupid and it's rather trendy.

Regarding girls into metal, I think it's incredibly rare to find a girl who's knowledgeable on the music she listens to. Most girls it seems “listen to everything” which to me is more a reflection of ignorance (an unwillingness to care) than it is, open-mindedness.