I hate these moron's bands. Need help


Mar 30, 2005
I'm about to finish a promo song for a band of friends.

Anyway, the drummer says the vocals have to be re-recorded in some parts (10 seconds in total!!!) and the other guys think the vocals are cool enough for a promo song (recorded FOR FREE).
4 days ago I send them the song and I said to listen to it all togheter and write all the problem they find.
Ok...2 days ago, the drummer said me "it's very good, but we decided to re-record those vocal parts". Ok, also if they will re-record all the song in june for the whole album recordings. :Smug:
So yesterday I speak with the singer about the re-recording and it said me "I know nothing about that" and after that "no I think the vocals are ok! We don't need to re-record it" ...........:rolleyes:
At that point I became Angry!
Today I speaked with the drummer and he said they decided to re-record all togheter.... I became more angry!
Is it a band????? Everyone thinks only for his personal instrument, everybody says different things.....how can I work in this way?
I decided that I will not modify another time the song and if they wanna do something else they have to call me!

The bad thing is that it's a good promotion for me, because they wanna record their next album with me....but I'm not their slave and they have to learn what is the meaning of the term "BAND".

What would you do in a situation like this? You have to consider that it's my first "official" work and they will do lot of promotion for me, expecially with their friend's bands..
Unless the drummer is the only chief (i doubt since re-recording 10 secs of vocals is a bit silly) just tell them what u wrote here (except the promotion part), so they can first decide things together and AFTER THAT talk to you. This way u'll never finish
if you did everything for free the first time, I don't think you owe them anything at all. If they wanna re-track, it can wait until they do the album and pay, or they can pay for your time to fix what they want.

I'd say your first mistake was doing it free. Give an inch and they'll take a mile.
Yes, but I proposed them to do 1song promo for free...to check if they work well with me (and because you can't ask money if no one know how you work), but it was the first and last time I worked for free.
The LOL thing is that sometime ago the drummer said me they wanna kick out the guitarist (really cool guy, main composer,etc..) :D He's the only one that takes care of my advices and that use the brain.
Tell 'em the first round was free so they could get an idea of how you work and so you could promote yourself to them, but if they want to get nit picky about details and change things, re-record them, etc, it will need to be at your standard hourly rate.

If they aren't willing to pay that, they don't care about the changes that much, and if they respond poorly to being told that more work would require payment, they weren't going to come back to you for more work anyways. If they did, you'd probably regret it anyways.
Listen to what you prefer, in this case : the singer. If the drummer gets angry it is not your problem. If he quits the band he can be replaced by a plug-in, a singer no. :p
But you could explain that perfection is a myth and that if you really wanted to get into all the tiny details there would be a lot of things to re-take but since it is for free everyone will have to deal with the tiny mistakes.

And the song sounds nice!
They know that. We did this promo to see if we work well and to see if they like my sound. They like it a lot, they wanna record the album with me, but now they (2 of them) want a perfect song (also if they have played not so well, also if it's a promo song and also if they will re-record it in june).
They like it a lot, apart the vocals....or better...the drummer don't like it...but only 10 seconds in the whole song :D
It said "I will not put this thing on myspace with a vocals like this".... it's pretty stupid, because myspace only with its compression, ruin the 50% of a good recorded song and you can't never hear all these particulars.
Yeah angry people make me nauseous. :)

But there seems to be a very big communication problem in the band and usually in studio those kind of problems pop up and sometimes cannot be healed for some humanoid reason. So I would say you want all the shit to come out before you invest yourself in a whole album. Or just make sure everyone is in the same dimension. Or just make sure they talk to each other before talking to you. Studio work is not only about sound, its also about humans. :)
The fact is that my problem is not "re-record 10 seconds or not re-record". The main problem is the lack of communication they have. If one day the drummer says me "we decided to re-record" and the day after the singer says me "I know nothing about this...for me it's good!"..... there are no solutions. They have to comunicate but it's not my problem, is a band's problem. I can't go at the singer's house to bring him in the studio because the drummer want it.
So...now the promo is done. If they wanna do something....they have to call me, because I will not ask them what I have to do ANYMORE :D
Moreover.........who care about 10 seconds of mediocre vocals in a promo song ON MYSPACE!!!!! In the myspace's player also the best produced album sounds like shit! :D
sounds like they have issues! just make sure they dont make you the victim, and blame you for their incompetence. Its really easy to blame someone else, rather than blame each other.

just tell the drummer you did re record it :heh:

I hate when bands talk about kicking someone out! especially when they write the songs, and are probably the strongest link. instead of trying to learn and improve, many musicians are happy to just space them selves from the guy who knows what he is talking about. probably because they think he is an asshole who wants everything his way for childish reasons. kinda like a 4 year old who thinks his parents are disciplining him to be mean.
Tell them that they have to get together and make one person the spokesperson for the band. That one person either makes the decisions for the band (which can be dangerous), or gets a general consensus of the bands feelings on the recording. Either way, make it that persons responsibility to figure out what the band wants and relay the message to you.
Tell them that they have to get together and make one person the spokesperson for the band. That one person either makes the decisions for the band (which can be dangerous), or gets a general consensus of the bands feelings on the recording. Either way, make it that persons responsibility to figure out what the band wants and relay the message to you.

This times 100..

It's of no use to talk to all band members seperately all the time, it's okay to ask them for feedback at one point from each individual in the band, but get one person as the spokesperson and no bullshitting around.

What i did with the last band i mixed and mastered, i asked them for feedback every now and then, and they would email eachother, talk to eachother about a mix, then compiled all of their feedback on my mix and gave it back to me in one email, crystal clear and easy...

Great mix btw, they should be on their knees that you are giving them such a great mix, no charge.
In fact, I asked them to listen all togheter and to compile all the feedback as a band. They decided, but the day after each one said a different thing :D
Anyway, this morning my girlfriend casually meets the drummer in a shop and he said her "Sorry, I'm goin' to drive so mad your boyfriend!" Lol
One idea that has crossed my mind in the past for projects is to setup a forum on my website for each project.

Create an account for every member, only allow them to see their band forum and let them hash it out there. They can create polls, vote, and I'll do what the vote outcome is. Post new mixes there for them to base their decisions from etc. They can post examples of songs that have a kick drum sound they'd like theirs to sound more like, etc.

Sometimes getting everyone in the same place at one time can be the communication breakdown for a lot of bands that aren't full time jobs for the members, so I've thought that might be a nice service and way of offering a single point of communication for the project to the group I'm working with.
One idea that has crossed my mind in the past for projects is to setup a forum on my website for each project.

Create an account for every member, only allow them to see their band forum and let them hash it out there. They can create polls, vote, and I'll do what the vote outcome is. Post new mixes there for them to base their decisions from etc. They can post examples of songs that have a kick drum sound they'd like theirs to sound more like, etc.

Sometimes getting everyone in the same place at one time can be the communication breakdown for a lot of bands that aren't full time jobs for the members, so I've thought that might be a nice service and way of offering a single point of communication for the project to the group I'm working with.

Dropbox is great for that kind of stuff. I use it with my band mates , everyone automatically gets the latest version of the project and can comment etc.
You could create a folder for each project and share it with the band members.