I have a Grievance...


I have a Grievance...
With the thread being closed, rather than having the
"problem" be removed. I think it was an interesting thread.
Like I stated, people weren't disrespecting one another.
It was simply "one" person that was causing all the problems.
I take the thread being closed as an "insult" to those that were part of
the thread... That is excluding the geek..errrrrrrrrrr Greek.
There was no direct reason for closing the thread indeed, we would have dealth with that Greec lady ourselves...On the other hand I'm also not that fond of political stuff in here, all pocket filling lying b*st*rds....Let's go on with some more interesting Metal Threads from you Sixx !!!!
carnut said:
There was no direct reason for closing the thread indeed, we would have dealth with that Greec lady ourselves...On the other hand I'm also not that fond of political stuff in here, all pocket filling lying b*st*rds....Let's go on with some more interesting Metal Threads from you Sixx !!!!
I agree with you Carnut.
I just had to post this...
More metal? I have some good threads brewing...:tickled:
sixxswine said:
I have a Grievance...
With the thread being closed, rather than having the
"problem" be removed. I think it was an interesting thread.
Like I stated, people weren't disrespecting one another.
It was simply "one" person that was causing all the problems.
I take the thread being closed as an "insult" to those that were part of
the thread... That is excluding the geek..errrrrrrrrrr Greek.
Well Naturally I agree with you old Buddy ..... "Trowing out the whole bunch for one Bad Apple" so to speak isnt Fair ... and we do have a right to Talk Politics since it is that time of year ...

Come on guyssss..palssss..buddiessssss :) Politics seem to bring out the worst in people sometimes and I see it all the time, many times people say things in the heat of the battle so to speak. Let's just move on and not throw stones even after the fact and if instigated. Puh-leez :)
Six, cool that you are letting it go. When you don't get along with somebody on the net the best way to go is to just ignore and eventually that certain individual will tire of their posts never being quoted or having no relevance within the thread; and this applies to all unsavory characters. Or you can just point and laugh :p
Anyway, carry on :D
a) Damn am I missed something exciting?

b) I must support MetalAges on this one. In TMG (I'm one of the moderators there) we have a rule of NO POLITICS, NO RELIGION on the forum because we already passed a lot of pain already. Actually I was pretty surprise to see some here, since this is exclusively OS, there's another forum for non-metal stuff (unlike TMG where is everything together).

c) I didn't participate in any of those being too political because I don't want to hurt anyone feelings with my views...or viceversa. And being outside USA I must be on the side of the political arena, regardless of my views. Same if tomorrow a discussion over Holland, Belgium, Australia or any other country politics starts.

d) As for IoS, I had him for a long time in my ignore list. I took him out and I only got unworthy posts from him IMO, so I returned him to the ignore list (following a wise OS mate advice ;) )
On behalf of the left, I apologize for IOTS's behavior.

That being said, I'm taking a few days off from the Internet because I keep saying horrendrously offensive things. I'm very angry and frightened for myself and my friends right now. I'll be back when I've calmed down.
The whole thing became incredibly funny. I can still recall that i didnt make a single comment about a PERSON here, before someone made a comment about ME (idiot etc, whatever) and not about what i wrote. All my comments are about bands and posts, not about the people who post. And i think that you people cant tell the difference of this. Some answered my POSTS and i talked to them in the way that you all think is "neat and nice". To the ones that did not answered my posts and just said other things about me (without even reading the posts), yes i said crap to them and i was glad i did that. And if you look to all (yes .. all) my posts in the old school forum, you wil see all i said above.
So Pyrus dont apologize for me, mainly because there is not a thing i did that needs an apology.
Pyrus said:
On behalf of the left, I apologize for IOTS's behavior.

That being said, I'm taking a few days off from the Internet because I keep saying horrendrously offensive things. I'm very angry and frightened for myself and my friends right now. I'll be back when I've calmed down.
So your temper is flaring like a pack of hemrroids?!
Sorry to hear it. We'll be here when you cool off....
Pyrus said:
On behalf of the left, I apologize for IOTS's behavior.

That being said, I'm taking a few days off from the Internet because I keep saying horrendrously offensive things. I'm very angry and frightened for myself and my friends right now. I'll be back when I've calmed down.
No need to apologize for anyone else. We're all adults here (or supposed to be) and must act like one.
I respect your desire to cool off for personal reasons, I have done that several times in the past in forums.
Like Sixx said, well be here when you return :cool:
Pyrus said:
On behalf of the left, I apologize for IOTS's behavior.

That being said, I'm taking a few days off from the Internet because I keep saying horrendrously offensive things. I'm very angry and frightened for myself and my friends right now. I'll be back when I've calmed down.

your cool. No need to apologize for others. You are not him. We know the difference. I hope to see you in a few days.

Take care. :wave:
Well, I already stated my opinion about the discussion of politics and also religion on the internet in a previous thread. I think it´s just not the best place to do so because of misunderstandings and the lack of facial expressions. Our "body language" is very important when it comes to discussions and despite emoticons, it just doesn´t come out right half the time.