something i find rather annoying and i'm probably not alone....

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Vein-Marbled Tower
May 29, 2008
Berlin, Germany
when the mods close threads because they go off topic or because there's already a thread like it. an example, there was recently a thread on favorite album covers and one of the mods went on a powertrip and closed it because he said that if we really want to talk about it, we could search for the original thread. i personally like this thread thanks to this album cover...

now, don't get me wrong, it does get really fucking annoying when every new member joins and starts a thread about your favorite band or avenged sevenfold or some bullshit like that but, i searched for the original favorite album covers thread for a few pages and couldn't find it. due to this, i do not think it should have been closed and if it was an over used thread, than either ignore it and let it die or give us the link to the original thread.
He's not really going on a power trip.

1. It wasn't really going to invoke any discussion.
2. There was already a thread. Because of 1, it wasn't really vital to revive but if you did feel some kind of inane desire to do so you could find it and bump it.
fuck that, i was bitchin cuz i didn't feel like searchin for it and if it was that important to close the thread, than the mod could've givin us a link to the original. just throwin that out there dude
fuck that, i was bitchin cuz i didn't feel like searchin for it and if it was that important to close the thread, than the mod could've givin us a link to the original. just throwin that out there dude

omagawd. uve opend ma eyes.

He was just trying to clear it up from useless done before threads.

i was bitchin cuz i didn't feel like searchin for it

Which is why he didn't link it. It wasn't an important discussion or anything and wasn't worthwhile at all.

We have a search function for a reason.
Non-stupid, non-bullshit, non-completely fucking shit threads don't get closed.
and this is a stupid bullshit fucking shit thread i must say. i'm honestly suprised it hasn't been closed yet

Because it's entertaining watching you being a faggot.

For example:

I was about to start a thread in Band Recommendations asking for more slam death. But not being a fucking faggot, I thought "Wait a sec. This might have been done before" and used the search function, finding about 20 useful threads.
Because it's entertaining watching you being a faggot.

For example:

I was about to start a thread in Band Recommendations asking for more slam death. But not being a fucking faggot, I thought "Wait a sec. This might have been done before" and used the search function, finding about 20 useful threads.

aw you're being a good little bitch, aren't you. you want a pat on the head?
I should also add that this should have been posted in the Whining and Bitching Thread, so that's a double whammy of stupidity for you. Good job.
I should also add that this should have been posted in the Whining and Bitching Thread, so that's a double whammy of stupidity for you. Good job.

i said that in the whining and bitchin thread. however, i like my own threads. its where the true primal nature of people who have no lives come out.
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