I have just received ... in the mail! Post pics of your new treasures!

Ohhhh I'm headbanging with some alcohol now! Along to Grave - Into The Grave...In a Swedish Death mood...some Unleashed next!
Little Earthquakes - Tori Amos (thanks Ksenia:))


My bassguitar!!!
It's a 4-stringed Cort Action bass =)
ooh, I love it
I already learned that bassline from Halo (porcupine tree) :)

That's the precious


Hell yeah, just got it in the mail today. I haven't even opened it yet....such pretty signatures. Oh, and the inside artwork is perhaps the GREATEST work I have seen by Travis Smith yet - holy crap was I stunned when I seen it. It will become my new avatar.


Hell yeah, just got it in the mail today. I haven't even opened it yet....such pretty signatures. Oh, and the inside artwork is perhaps the GREATEST work I have seen by Travis Smith yet - holy crap was I stunned when I seen it. It will become my new avatar.

just got mine too man. I'm tempted not to open it and get one not signed to open.