I have to discuss this...

Rev. Clayton

The Singer
Sep 4, 2006
I tend to write stuff on other boards and then erase them before posting them in fear of someone getting pissed off at Suspyre. I know that also sounds like I have a big head, but there are several people on the forum that know some of the band's forum names and if anyone really knows me, there's nothing more that upsets me than people getting mad at me. Therefore, I don't usually post critical stuff about other bands and such because I don't want the backlash (even though I'm just trying to intelligently debate, get a point across, etc). Today's news I can't leave alone, but I'm posting it here because everyone that posts on this board seems to be pretty level headed; and I'm sure can understand where I'm coming from instead of calling me harsh names and turning on the band. With that said:

I am very upset with the Iced Earth news that I heard this morning and for various reasons. Pyramaze was set to light up the return of Matt and now of course...that's been a little overshadowed. I assume Pyramaze's album will come out before the next IE, but I have the feeling the majority of the comments you see will be...what a amazing album, BUT I can't wait for the next IE. I guess I'm a little biased on this one as well since I am very good friends with Jonah and can't wait to hear his take on it, but I feel a little disgusted with the actions.

The other reason it upsets me again...has nothing to do with Matt and everything to do with Jon. Honestly, I gave up on Iced Earth after Horror Show mainly because I was getting a little tired with the music. It wasn't singing and it wasn't playing...it just had been done. It's obvious that Jon can't really do anything different when you hear Demons and Wizards...of course Hansi saves him over and over on those cds. So what I'm saying on that respect is that Matt being back with Iced Earth does nothing for me.

Sorry...had to rant.
I kinda feel the same way as you. When I heard the news and read Jon's message on the web site my first thought was "man, what a rip (no pun intended) on Tim." Made me feel like Jon was never happy with IE while Tim was in the band, and only with Matt will Iced Earth truely be Iced Earth. I dunno. It all seems fishy to me, and I hate fish.

I also agree that recent IE albums have been more than a bit redundant and tiring.
Like i said man its all cool, you gave a respectful opinion, but I had to say what i had to say in reference to all the disrespectful comments both bands are getting.

I for 1 am an Iced Earth fan before I was a Pyramaze one. (can't you tell). Though I can honestly say that the bands are different enough to bring some good stuff to the table. I am a music/concert whore. I will buy both cds and rock out to both of them. As will everyone.
I understand that you think Pyramaze will be shadowed but after all, Iced Earth has been around longer, so its mutual fanbase may lean to more of IE but they will like both.

Though in relavence to your last comment I have to disagree greatly. Jon has done several different things with his work, I simply give songs including several changes.
1. Domino Decree
2. The entire Dark Saga album
3. The almost pink floydish lead in the later IE and D&W works.
we all don't need to be as progressive as you guys. That prog fusion mix that Suspyre has going is what you guys bring that I can enjoy.
If IE changed too much Id worry.
Not to mention it feels like you are insulting a musician. something that I never thought would come from another person especially 1 of your caliber.
Then again every1 can rant.
Yeah...I guess it does come off as an insult, but of course it's not meant to. I think it's just myself and the music I'm listening to now. I think I'm just growing out of my thrash period...I need to listen to Horrow Show again and see if it sparks something I'm missing. I too am an Iced Earth fan before Pyramaze. It wasn't supposed to come off as an insult...just more of a statement that I didn't see a whole lot of variation in his stuff lately, but I'll absolutely spin it on the way home again today. Thank you for the recommendations.

Sorry about the ranting...and it won't EVER happen again. promise.

Every1 deserves to rant from time to time. Im glad im able to talk to musicians on here.
Pyramaze and Suspyre do that which is cool.

I admit the Glorious Burden was a bit of a downer but the Gettysburg trilogy was a masterpiece. Ripper earned his place for me then.
Not to mention I love Framing Armageddon.
So there is happiness that I can see Barlow live for IE but sadness since i won't see the Ripper live.

I just have to buy Beyond Fear tickets with my burger flipping funds.
The other reason it upsets me again...has nothing to do with Matt and everything to do with Jon. Honestly, I gave up on Iced Earth after Horror Show mainly because I was getting a little tired with the music. It wasn't singing and it wasn't playing...it just had been done. It's obvious that Jon can't really do anything different when you hear Demons and Wizards...of course Hansi saves him over and over on those cds. So what I'm saying on that respect is that Matt being back with Iced Earth does nothing for me.
I said long ago that I felt that Tim's time in IE was limited. I assumed he'd do Something Wicked part two and then move on. If you ever read or listened to interviews with him, he always seemed to be less concerned about IE than anything else he was doing. I mean, when asked about the Something Wicked story, he couldn't even talk about it. He didn't know! He simply said something like, "Well...that's more Jon's thing." That's ridiculous! He's the one singing the lyrics; he should know! So it just seemed like he didn't want to be a hired gun anymore.

With that said, I never expected him to depart before Something Wicked part two. And that makes me wonder about the circumstances behind the decision to bring Matt back in. First off, this story is Jon's baby. This is the album he refused to release on Century Media for fear of them screwing it up. So why would he then go and make the decision to replace vocalists mid-story? It makes no sense. Matt is awesome, but he and Tim are very different. So the switch seems like a stupid move, considering Jon's passion for the project.

Then there's the subject of Matt. Here's a guy that said he was quitting IE to find stability for his family. Generally when musicians say something like this they're back in another band real quick (ex. Jesse from Killswitch going to Seemless, Zak from Savatage forming Circle II Circle). But Matt was different. The dude fell off the face of the planet, only to have a picture resurface a few years later that showed him bald and in a police uniform. Matt did exactly what he said he was going to do, he became a cop! Then he joined Pyramaze as more of a studio vocalist, since the band chose to stop being an active touring band. Matt's decision was based on whether or not he could continue to be a cop, to continue to provide financial stability for his family. The guy gets all my respect for that.

So why this, now? Why rejoin Iced Earth and remain a part of Pyramaze? IE is an active touring band. Matt would have to quit being a cop. What changed in IE that would make him do this? I can't see that anything changed, really. So my opinion is that Tim Owens is the one to walk away. I don't think Jon kicked him out, I think Tim left. And like how Damian Wilson just stepped in to help out Threshold, I think Matt is stepping in to help Iced Earth. I could be totally off here, but that's what makes sense to me.

We'll see, I guess.
I said long ago that I felt that Tim's time in IE was limited. I assumed he'd do Something Wicked part two and then move on. If you ever read or listened to interviews with him, he always seemed to be less concerned about IE than anything else he was doing. I mean, when asked about the Something Wicked story, he couldn't even talk about it. He didn't know! He simply said something like, "Well...that's more Jon's thing." That's ridiculous! He's the one singing the lyrics; he should know! So it just seemed like he didn't want to be a hired gun anymore.

With that said, I never expected him to depart before Something Wicked part two. And that makes me wonder about the circumstances behind the decision to bring Matt back in. First off, this story is Jon's baby. This is the album he refused to release on Century Media for fear of them screwing it up. So why would he then go and make the decision to replace vocalists mid-story? It makes no sense. Matt is awesome, but he and Tim are very different. So the switch seems like a stupid move, considering Jon's passion for the project.

Then there's the subject of Matt. Here's a guy that said he was quitting IE to find stability for his family. Generally when musicians say something like this they're back in another band real quick (ex. Jesse from Killswitch going to Seemless, Zak from Savatage forming Circle II Circle). But Matt was different. The dude fell off the face of the planet, only to have a picture resurface a few years later that showed him bald and in a police uniform. Matt did exactly what he said he was going to do, he became a cop! Then he joined Pyramaze as more of a studio vocalist, since the band chose to stop being an active touring band. Matt's decision was based on whether or not he could continue to be a cop, to continue to provide financial stability for his family. The guy gets all my respect for that.

So why this, now? Why rejoin Iced Earth and remain a part of Pyramaze? IE is an active touring band. Matt would have to quit being a cop. What changed in IE that would make him do this? I can't see that anything changed, really. So my opinion is that Tim Owens is the one to walk away. I don't think Jon kicked him out, I think Tim left. And like how Damian Wilson just stepped in to help out Threshold, I think Matt is stepping in to help Iced Earth. I could be totally off here, but that's what makes sense to me.

We'll see, I guess.

You have a gifted forsight. Tim founded Beyond Fear, in the most recent of interviews i got a vibe that he wouldn't be there for long. As he would want to work on Beyond Fear.

Though id have to disagree with his whole hired gun thought by jon. Ripper was asked to join and for all jon knew barlow was out of the picture period.
Jon has the complete story laid out in his mind. The only other person that knows even close to what Jon wants is Jim Morris. Jon writes everything while discussing SF stuff with Jim. Ripper gave his imput in the melody of Domino Decree.

Matt kept true to his word. He wanted financial security that being in 1 band with no other side professions to speak of. 1 touring band may not be enough money but 2 bands at one time will do just fine taking care of bills.