Jon Schaffer is a dick

WEED as well man. ITs good sometimes.

Now, i cant swear that MEXICO is where it comes from cause i do not sell the stuff, its not worth the trouble to get cought, to much time in jail, and i do not want to go to jail. But thats where im told it comes from you know.
can anyone tell me what´s wrong with the interview
coz I read it and I can't see anything except that Jon glorifies himself a little bit... which is ok... he´s allowed to have opinions
He takes all the credit. He makes exuses to stay in the light, like 'The leads we haev are fine, we dont need smikin leads'. Its one thing to have an opinion, of which i support highly, but its another shoot off a bragging pie hole and demean bandmates.
yeh well most of the time any weed that ive seen from mexico is fucking garbage. but i also live in a world famous weed area, and let me tell you, its all true baby! norcal weed is the best. fluffy and spongy an sticky an yummy an mmmmmmmm *drool*