I have to say...

What Mutant said, you are implying noobs or newcomers regularly read the descriptive line

exactly, and the ones who don't read it, or don't read the announcements/FAQs aren't the ones we want to have here anyways...that's what watered down the forum in the first place.
Brett came up with the names, cause it's something audio related, there's not gonna be a poll about it, stop whining ;)

I think it's even better to have the names a bit more "general" or "vague" and then put the description in the line underneath, that way we won't run into the same problem we did before...with names being too descriptive, excluding topics that couldn't go anywhere else..."gear for sale" for example, how was a noob supposed to know where to post job offers?, that was just an example though.

whether someone likes the names of the sections or not, I think after 1 day it'll be very clear where to post what...if a noob can't even read the line underneath or the annoucnements etc, I'm the last person to welcome him...
I'm cool with new members, but why should it be our duty to make up for their lazyness?

"Backstage" might be kinda vague, and people might even think it's off topic....if there wasn't the line underneath, telling you what goes in there (including plugnis ;) )...but as far as I'm concerned the sub sections could even be called A, B, C, D, as long as we don't paint ourselves into a corner with it....
if a noob can't even read the line underneath or the annoucnements etc, I'm the last person to welcome him...
I'm cool with new members, but why should it be our duty to make up for their lazyness?

I tried to type that line out, but everything I wrote sounded too dick-ish so I didn't post it :lol:

But that's my thought too...what can someone add who isn't even able to read a few lines after registering?
(very blunt and general statement I know)

Could be that you 2 will have to move more threads than before though...or do you plan to delete them right away?
No I think he means the Andy Sneap related subforum, the one where you discuss his actual work and not the main section ! :) or maybe you're right (he mentioned "plugins")

I understand all what you said Lasse and would think it's super great for us; I'm just concerned it doesn't work as much as you would expect and there would be as much people posting in unrelated forums and as a mod you would still have the same work to do (if not more) to correct that, which was... the reason why you changed their names in the first place ! If it were just for "us", I would say they are perfect, my concern is not wether we want those people anyway or not (and I agree.. we don't :lol:), but fact is that they are gonna post anyway and I'm concerned they are not going to post more acurately than before and "harsh welcoming" could become frequent because of noobs not reading the lines. The technique of giving vague names might work though, that's probably worth the try in any case. Finally, I'm not saying those before were better at all (like you said the "gear for sale" section for job offers was almost nonsense and weird). Hope you see my point, which is more about you and Brett than me since I'm not the one cleaning up the forum !

EDIT : re-reading the names, the only one that would pose a problem for noobs would really be FOH, but since the other ones are clear enough, they are probably not going to post technique questions in another subforums... So it actually could be really fine imo.

EDIT : just noted the typo "plugsin" in the Backline description lines
Guys, if there are still more threads in the wrongs sections, then it will be obvious that people don't read the description lines as they make perfect sense now and leave no doubt about where to post. Wrong posts are gonna be deleted (for your information, deleting a thread takes a lot less time for the moderator than moving it, so it's not just "let's punish the errors and be tyrants about it" it's more "we've all got better things to do than fix mistakes of those who don't give a shit").

The concert oriented names idea came to me as Andy's studio is called BACKSTAGE and I thought it would be nice to treat each section as an area or zone of a venue. Although I'm pretty happy with all, I do agree that F.O.H. is not ideal though but we couldn't find anything better (feel free to propose something better, but the word "stage" shouldn't be used). At least it will make dubious people read the descriptions... And if they don't, then, I'm with Lasse, they're not welcome.

From now on the Main Forum is only for moderators announcements and Andy's posts. It will help clean up things and make the stickies and rules more apparent, because you guys just ignore them. 5 days ago I posted an announcement and to this date it has only been viewed 205 times!

Also moderation posts (but not everything Lasse and me posts obviously) will be made in a visible color (like this one, I love orange, haha) so you don't ignore them in the future.
Did Lasse just confuse himself? :lol:

I think he did ;)

Brett said:
Mine will be pink ;)

Thanks Brett

also there's another mod-function that'll be used much more often in the future, without banning people from UM altogether, we've got the option to just deny them access to the AS forum.
Not trying to be a dick or anything, but personally I can't fucking take many more of the noobs that just come in to insult the members adna re too lazy to even read.
They're fucking gay. They don't make the purpose of the sections anymore clearer, they don't communicate the rules, and they don't direct n00bs in a particularly useful way. In short - the reasons for changing them have not been resolved.

For instance, lets say someone has a question about paralell compression with Cytomic Glue, for example... does that go in equipment (sorry, backline) or FOH ... coz it would rightly belong in both of them... this is just nonsensical.

And as if it even needed changing! :guh:
Trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
The issue wasn't that people were being confused, it was that people weren't reading.
i dont really understand why some of you guys are so upset about it.. Its not like its going to stop/confuse you from posting in the correct thread.
Trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
The issue wasn't that people were being confused, it was that people weren't reading.

for you it might not have existed, for us it was very real, moving/deleting 25-30 threads per day!

noone was posting in the RMM section anymore, everything was OT for more exposure etc.
since for some of those threads it wasn't 100% sure where they belonged, we could hardly start banning people, cause we ourselves didn't always know (where for example were the "stems for you to mix" supposed to go etc).

now it should be very clear where a thread belongs, that means there are rules that can be enforced without being a dick to some and nice to others....

who still doesn#t know where to post what can ask me or Brett, but I think it's clear really.

I loved the way the forum used to be before all those sub sections, but that's obviously not possible anymore with the amount of members, so we need sub sections, we have to keep the amount of sub sections low though, so some of them must accomodate broader topics than before (the RMM/practice room for example).
We've already lost so very valuable members such as James Murphy, St.Amand etc...Bogren was posting here, so were Jacob Hansen and Colin Richardson....those people do not post anymore, cause this place has changed a lot (some long timers might know what I mean).
Fact is, this is not a democracy, your input is greatly appreciated (it really is), but there's not gonna be a poll or anything, we've got hundreds of active members here (some more active than others), not everyone can be 100% happy all the time, but we CAN try to keep the actively contributing members as little annoyed as possible by keeping the amount of shit and noob questions (that had been answered a million times before) as low as possible...
and that's what we're doing