I heard some Exodus!

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Lykorian said:
I still see this album more as a modern "aggro" metal album with thrash parts here and there rather than a pure "thrash metal" album. Barely half of this thing is fast or thrashy. Much of it is chugga-chugga Machine Head-type stuff.

I'll throw on BONDED BY BLOOD when I want an anal bleeding.
Comparing Exodus to Maxchine Head........is ridiculous.......go ahead and take your anal beating to a bleeding..........
Well I heard a 44 second clip of a song that's supposedly on the album (it was untitled), and if that's on the album, then I know there's at least 44 kickass seconds to it.

Edit: That 44 second clip was from the song Tempo Of The Damned, I found some songs now, and they all kickass except the two that were meant for a side project or whatever, but maybe they'll grow on me.
I've also only heard this 44 sec clip (I believe it's the title track- based on the lyrics Zet's screaming) and I would be going to buy this record, even if the rest of the album would be full of crap (which, of course, won't happen, but I'd buy it anyway)- for those MIGHTY, ultra-fast 44 seconds. Zetro sounds like a total maniac on this one- I don't believe he has ever sounded better. I had hoped the whole album would sound this way, but after I read your reviews I see there's also some mid-paced stuff...and I'm like "great!"...some diversity and tempo changes can make it even better and more complete. It's definitely one of the most anticipated releases for me since FSSD and I'm sure I won't be disappointed- only the new Testament can (and probably will) be better than "tempo (or is it "temple"- I've heard 2 versions?) of the damned"...well, perhaps the new DA record can be equally good.
Lykorian said:
I still see this album more as a modern "aggro" metal album with thrash parts here and there rather than a pure "thrash metal" album. Barely half of this thing is fast or thrashy. Much of it is chugga-chugga Machine Head-type stuff.

I'll throw on BONDED BY BLOOD when I want an aural beating.

What Bizarro planet are you from?
First of all, This is not aggro anything. You're the kid who called
this disc wigger somethinger-other aren't you?
Second, Robb Flynn sites Exodus as one of his biggest influences
and has said that Machine Head would not exist without Exodus.

<shaking head>kids these days......

Officer Nice
That has to be the funniest thing I have read in a long time. What an assclown how can you even compare the two? The new Machine Head is better then anything they have put out in almost 10 years but the new Exodus a masterpiece. I think this is Zetros best work.
Songs like "Shroud Of Urine", "Culling The Herd", and "Throwing Down" sound a fucking lot closer to Machine Head / aggro metal than classic thrash metal. Plodding, clunky, repetitive shit like this has nothing to do with thrash metal. "Sealed With A Fist" is the only song in this style that actually has a good, driving riff - it works. The others don't.

Zetro is practically rapping in "Forward March". If that's representative of the thrash genre in 2004, then that's fucking sad.

"Tempo Of The Damned" is clearly the best cut on here. Not surprisingly, it's cut in the same mold as classic Exodus!

I always thought the coolest thing about Exodus was the tight-as-fuck speed picking combined with Baloff's insane, off-kilter vocal attack. While Zetro does a good job stretching his voice, it just doesn't compare. At times, however, it's just plain bad. I really wanted to enjoy this album. I fucking grew up with Bay Area thrash, and it's about time someone released a killing album to bring the attention back. I just don't think this is the one.

Yeah, so you all disagree. That's how it goes. But don't some of you find it hard to offer an objective opinion on this album when you're buddies with the band and kin to the Bay Area scene? I know I would.

Someone asked for some recent thrash albums that I thought were better, so here's a quick list :

The Haunted - Made Me Do It / S/T
Agent Steel - Order Of The Illuminati
Swordmaster - Moribund Transgoria
Defleshed - Royal Straight Flesh
Pentacle - ...Rides The Moonstorm
Testament - The Gathering / Low
Desaster - Tyrants Of The Netherworld
Soulless - Agony's Lament
At The Gates - Slaughter Of The Soul
Deceased - Supernatural Addiction
Necrodeath - Mater Of All Evil
Sabbat - Karmagmassacre
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ok dickhead.... Exodus didn't re-record any old tracks to take up album space. they did it as a treat for the old fans. then their record company decided there was a track they didn't want on the album, so they pulled the track (Crime of the Century) and stuck Impaler on instead.

I know you think you're clever and know everything, but don't you get tired of being wrong??
No, it's just more scenester bullshit elitism. I offer the only differing opinion on the board, therefore I'm "wrong", rather than just having a difference of opinion. Hey, if you aren't interested in opposing dialogue, then what's the fucking point of having a "discussion" board? How the fuck am I clueless and hopeless? If anything, you're exactly that for tossing assumptions around.

pest - I'm more clever and observant than someone who thinks The Haunted have been plundering Slayer riffs. Only an outsider who hasn't listened closely to either band would suggest more than a stylistic similarity between the two. Like I said, he should name a specific example if he wants to prove a point. Regarding "Impaler", that's fine with me. Testament did the same thing. I was just using that example as a similarily retarded insult as Pyrus's.

In the other Exodus thread, some of you were getting on me for hardly posting here and coming in with my opinions. Well, the responses to my honest criticisms are the reason I don't post here often - you're more interested in continuing your praise-fest monologue than promoting a diverse and honest forum. That's a great way to run a board - just sling shit and personal insults at anyone who disagrees with you. It's a fucking childish and insecure mentality from people who claim to have an age advantage over everybody else.
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Liberal college bullshit? Haha, good try OfficerNice, but I'm the furthest thing from liberal you'll meet. More patriot than hatriot. :)

And yeah, you conveniently dodged my question of why some of you would rather resort to name-calling when someone offers up a different opinion. So now you're offering me wisdom? Haha, no thanks. I've read a fair share of mixed opinions about the new Exodus. Maybe posting on this board and being part of the Bay Area scene has you thinking that the praise is universal.

None of you has tried to address how the songs I mentioned in my earlier post are even thrash. Ditto for Zetro's pseudo-rapping in "Forward March". If you can't possibly discount either of those things, then how are you even addressing my opinion, rather than just trying to attack me? Ever heard of ad hominem? Someone asked for some recent worthy thrash albums. I posted some. All I'm doing is offering a different opinion. Perhaps you should browse back and see who started the shit-slinging in the first place. If this is really a "dialogue" as you claim, then why was the first reaction one of anger and malice rather than discussion?

"I'm already the shizzle." I guess that explains why you like a song like "Forward March". :)
you're not well liked because you come in with your nose in the air and a snobby little attitude. you act all cocky and you wonder why you get shit??

the problem on this board isn't "elitism", its all the bratty little babies that come in here throwing their half assed opinions around like they mean something. you all need to get bitchslapped.... I've seen a lot of amazing stuff on this board in the last couple o weeks, and this place is the last place I ever expected to see it. its like the lot o you are coming in trying to stir the pot, because you sure as hell don't know what you're talking about.... and I have yet to see all these "mythical" bad reviews for the new Exodus. And no, senseless bashing from little kids who are doing it because its the "in" thing don't count. I want respected opinions, not baby talk.

by the way...... I looked at your list, and I don't think you actually have a clue as to what THRASH is..... FYI~ ATG- Slaughter of the Soul is death metal from 1995. start from there....
at this point, even I think some of these "discussions" have gone to far, so I'm not too interested in dragging any of them out at this point (esp. since it seems to be the same "discussion" over and over).

I just think its ridiculous how it seems like its the same person with 5 different screen names..... same argument, and says the exact same things. the bottom line is though, the person doesn't know what they're talking about, and you can point out holes big enough to drive a truck through, and then they just dodge your point.
you know, its funny, I've seen Gary posting at a couple different sites about the new album. And generally, he just says, "hey, people are entitled to think what they want, its their opinion....". I think its like what Zet had said about he was happy that people were listening and that there's this much of a buzz going on, etc.

BUT I have yet to see one person that says they didn't like it/give it a lackluster review, etc, whatever.... respond once Gary starts posting. They just shut up, like they don't have the balls to say it when they know he's reading (I even saw one guy totally change his opinion.....). Its said that every Exo thread here gets messed up. They know its a great record. Anyone that's listened to it KNOWS its a great record. I don't see the need to trash it at this point.....
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