I heard some Exodus!

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pest666 said:
one guy totally change his opinion.....). Its said that every Exo thread here gets messed up. They know its a great record. Anyone that's listened to it KNOWS its a great record. I don't see the need to trash it at this point.....
Well said ! :cool:
pest666 said:
Its said that every Exo thread here gets messed up. They know its a great record. Anyone that's listened to it KNOWS its a great record. I don't see the need to trash it at this point.....
I'm not trying to start anything, but that's complete bullshit. Just because everyone else on the Testament board likes it doesn't mean that the few people who don't like it are wrong. That just means that they don't like it. It is a possibility that some people don't like it. It seems like people believe that, if you like Thrash Metal, than you have to like every album that is widely accepted in the Thrash scene, but that's just ridiculous. For example, my friend likes pretty much every single accepted Thrash band except Testament. Is his opinion wrong? Absolutely not. It's just different from those who do like them. Now before you bite my head off, I like the new album, now that I've got the songs. But, I can see what Lykorian is talking about. I see the 'rap' that he's talking about in Forward March, though I look past it (it's not the first Thrash song like that anyway...). I also see what he means by the other songs, though there's nothing wrong with midpaced songs on a Thrash album (see The Years Of Decay). But, he's entitled to his opinion. Let it be. He doesn't like the album, most of us do. That's the end of it, there need be no arguments about it. It should not be taken as an insult in any way when someone disagrees with your opinion (especially when it's on something so subjective as music). By the way, I know I was one of the people you were referring to pest, but I've been here since February, I wouldn't consider that new. I may be young, and I may not be in the 'inner circle' of this board, but that doesn't make my opinion, or anyone else's opinion, count any less. Not to start another argument, but I just took a bit of offense to that, is all. I'm sorry that us 'bratty little babies' who only express their opinion initially upset the balance of the board, it was not our (or at least my) intention to do so. And sorry for the lack of paragraphs...
What the Christ do liberal political views have to do with musical opinion?

"Hatriot." Hah. Funny. Nothing is more patriotic than speaking up against the government when you disagree.

Lykorian - opinion is one thing, picking fights is another. And if you think At the Gates is thrash, you don't know thrash, homeboy. Haunted isn't exactly stealing EVERY riff from Slayer, but give Made Me Do It a closer listen. I'm not going to waste time pointing out examples now...maybe some other time when I have nothing better to do.

Just heard the so-called rap on Forward March. That's not rap, it's fast shouty vocals. If Zetro's rapping there, then Sean Killian is rapping on "Phobophobia."
Pyrus said:
Just heard the so-called rap on Forward March. That's not rap, it's fast shouty vocals. If Zetro's rapping there, then Sean Killian is rapping on "Phobophobia."
Sean? ....Rapping? My good man, that my god, that would be..BLASPHEMY!!!!!!!

I hope to God almighty this doesn't turn into a Sean quote rapping unquote thread.:erk: :err: :bah:

Officer Nice
DAMNIT... can someone let me know how the hell i can get my hands on the new exodus, ive been listening to both PofF and FD all week and i cannot wait to hear TOTD...aparantly everyone.......minus few ignorant jackasses, or those who dont prefer it, have heard it and im dying to hear it, can someone let me know how i can
DAMNIT... can someone let me know how the hell i can get my hands on the new exodus, ive been listening to both PofF and FD all week and i cannot wait to hear TOTD...aparantly everyone.......minus few ignorant jackasses, or those who dont prefer it, have heard it and im dying to hear it, can someone let me know how i can
Buy the EP that would be a good start. Then when the full CD comes out get that one too. You will not regret it.

Exods - Tempo of the damned one of the best albums of 2004.
Pyrus said:
Exactly. Souza's vox sound like the "Looking over my shoulder..." part in Phobophobia, which isn't rap by any stretch of the imagination.

thanks for straightening me out. me thinks I'm coming down with
something so I'm drinking lots of NyQuil aka happy juice and the w o r d s
a r e g e t t i n g t o u g h e er r r r to unn d e r s taa a n d.
I just tried replying to another post and it didnt work out too well.

Violence and Exodus. no rap. no aggro. all metal. \m/

I think we got this one settled. Put 'er to bed.

Officer NyQuil.
hiddenlegions said:
All the Exodus threads seem to get all jacked up. What a shame.
That's because people need to realize that other people's opinions on a band's release isn't a personal attack...it's a fucking opinion...it's what makes the world and this board more interesting. I'm sick of these Exodus threads...it's making this board look very closed minded and not open to any new people. This is precisely why I didn't go into ANY detail on the "What do you think of the new Exodus MindInsane" thread. There's no respect for differences in here lately.

Ok watch the flames insue:Smug:
hiddenlegions said:
No flames here MI , I agree with you to an extent. See , it wasn't that bad. :loco:
Oh HL...I didn't think you'd be part of the flaming:wave: This thread just pissed me off and I decided to freak out a little....I'm a Scorpio....my temper is part of my charm:grin:
Cheers to MindInsane and Dodens for addressing some of my own concerns with their posts.

While my political beliefs don't have any bearing on my musical opinions, since OfficerNice is inquiring I will fill him in. I have conservative or libertarian views on just about everything, especially government. I'd watch Fox News before CNN. In that respect, I'm a fucking minority in my town, as it's polluted to shit with ultra-leftist college types. Whatever else you want to know, just ask.

How am I picking fights Pyrus? By telling everyone what I think? You or anyone else shouldn't expect me to come in here all unsure of myself and timid just because I rarely post here. I'm going to give you 100%. No maybes and kindas. Some of you take issue with that, but you should realize it's just me being me, telling it straight. If I had said I loved the album in a similarily cocky manner, I'm sure you'd be giving me praises for my opinions rather than insults.

The At The Gates album I mentioned isn't pure thrash, but it has more in common with thrash metal than death metal. The only thing "death metal" about it is the atonal vocals. 80% of that album is thrash beats and fast picking, which is a lot more, quantity-wise, than the new Exodus (which you've all been calling thrash metal). Yeah, The Haunted may have a couple riffs that remind you of Slayer, but they're generally a lot more melodic, loose, and rock-oriented. You made it sound like they're ripping them off.

OfficerNice, if you think any objective musical opinion is "wrong", especially on this subject, then neither of us should waste each other's time debating. Bizzarro planet? Nope, just the frozen tundra of Chicago suburbia...
MindInsane said:
That's because people need to realize that other people's opinions on a band's release isn't a personal attack...it's a fucking opinion...it's what makes the world and this board more interesting. I'm sick of these Exodus threads...it's making this board look very closed minded and not open to any new people. This is precisely why I didn't go into ANY detail on the "What do you think of the new Exodus MindInsane" thread. There's no respect for differences in here lately.

Ok watch the flames insue:Smug:
MindInsane said:
That's because people need to realize that other people's opinions on a band's release isn't a personal attack...it's a fucking opinion...it's what makes the world and this board more interesting. I'm sick of these Exodus threads...it's making this board look very closed minded and not open to any new people. This is precisely why I didn't go into ANY detail on the "What do you think of the new Exodus MindInsane" thread. There's no respect for differences in here lately.

Ok watch the flames insue:Smug:
you know what, MI I respect you. I like you as a person and find your opinion worthwhile. BUT.....

I don't like people who sit there and needlessly pick something apart for the sake of doing so. ESPECIALLY when you can pick them apart, and make it obvious that they don't know what they're talking about. Hell, we've even seen people do a 180 on their opinion. And there's been a lot o needless BS going on. An opinion is one thing... we all agree to disagree to some extent. You like Opeth, I prefer something else. But to needlessly run something down, and drag it out and whine like a big baby and then turn around and beg is silly. And yet the person in question persisted. And then a bunch o others came and did the same thing and got picked apart. If you know you're shit, fine.... I can't argue with that. If you're gonna be cocky and come in and act like you're the man..... HOUSTON, WE HAVE A MAJOR FREAKIN' DEALIO!!

We're both.... older. Seen a lot o stuff. Watched empires built and crumbled. And honestly, I'm tired. I'm sick and tired. I've been doing this since 81/82. I'm for life. You're for life.... hell a lot o people here are for life. And I see this trend, not just on this board, but on a lot o boards. A lot o little kids coming in acting like they know this, that and the other thing. Talking trash. Acting like they KNOW what's up, and they know better. I've outlived trends.... I'm about to outlive another. I was there in the glory days, and I was there in the burning times, and I've come out on the other side. But I have no time for cocky 16-20 year olds who this is a passing trend for. I have no time for shit talking by these little bastards. Back in the day, at the beginning of time as we know it, you shut your mouth and learned. you know why jewfro works well on this board? its not that he knows his limitations..... because he is willing to argue his point to a point. because he knows he's going to learn something. he UNDERSTANDS..... and I'll pick him as the one kid on this board that will be "for life". He understands, that there is tradition. He wants to LEARN about days gone by. He's not some nu jack that thinks his shit don't stink and his opinion counts for more like a lot o what I've seen lately. I've seen a lot o talk by a lot o people that think they know SOMETHING.... and they don't know jack. and those same people are blowing a lot o smoke. If I have to get on the line and the old school needs to bring out the iron curtain, so be it. sometimes the old school needs to take the new school to school and teach them a lesson or two.

Bottom line: if you have an opinion and you can back it up fine, I'll accept it. IF you know what you're talking about. BUT....if you're gonna talk trash and tell me you have an opinion and you're entitled to it because its yours and its obvious you're full of shit and talking out your ass I have no problem giving you the patented MIGHTY pest boot to the head. I'm tired of the whiny "Exodus sucks, Zet sounds awful" bullshit. I'm tired of someone throwing out their "thrash" list that contains mostly death metal albums. personally, I would like to be done with this..... but if y'all wanna get bloody, I say WTF, let's get knee deep.

EDIT: You wanna call ATG thrash, fine, it makes you look foolish, but whatever...... I looked at your list of "thrash" and laughed. You obviously DO NOT have a clue as to what thrash is. Maybe you should refrain from commenting until you learn the difference (of course you're the same brain surgeon that thinks the new Exodus is "nu metal").
Picking fights? For one, by saying something as blatantly ridiculous as "Slaughter of the Soul = thrash," let alone "more thrash than Exodus." And for two, just being downright insulting with your opinion. You got something to say? So does everyone else...no need to be an arrogant ass about it.

pest666 said:
its not that he knows his limitations.....

Fuckin A. :grin: I'm not gonna stop running till I hit the wall head-on. And thanks for the compliment, but I'm sure there's some other kids here who are metal for life. Brentwood (if he ever shows up again) for one...my sister for another (13 years old and headbanging to Dark Angel; what's more metal than that?) My generation isn't a total wash; we're just kinda confused.
Could you make any more assumptions pest? You don't know how old I am (21). You don't know how long I've been into metal (since my early teen years). You don't know whether or not this is a passing trend or if this IS ME (it is, outside of my girl). You don't know shit about me. So stop making such blanket assumptions. You imply that my opinion on Exodus is somehow less valid because I'm not as old as you, while in the same breath accusing me of thinking my opinion is more important than anyone else's. Fucking ironic...

You're plainly ignorant if you think my list doesn't have thrash bands on it. Have you even heard all those albums? If you have, I'm curious as to what genre tag you think fits. Some of them aren't all-out thrash - but neither is this new Exodus. You can fucking keep your definition of thrash if it includes things like "Forward March" and "Culling The Herd". I'd much rather listen to Slayer, Holy Terror, Iron Angel, Cyclone, Tankard, Sodom, Testament, Coroner, Agent Steel, Deathrow, Savage Grace, Razor, Sabbat, Whiplash, etc...but hey, maybe you can enlighten me as to what thrash is, since I clearly have no idea.

You're right, I haven't been around as long as you. But I've earned my fucking place. I've had my Testament site up for over 6 years, long before this official site and forum, ever since I was a young teenager, enthusiastic but inexperienced. I support the small but dedicated Chicago scene - the bands, the shops, the people; I spread the word on the web via reviews and discussions, and I try to support both old and especially new bands that deserve it. But I'm not going to compromise my integrity by softening my opinions or supporting something I'm not 100% behind. Obviously, metal today isn't like it used to be when you or some of these other older guys were growing up. Quantity far surpasses quality, and, in general, you hate to see anyone forking out their earnings for shit music. That's why these boards are so valuable, and that's why hard, honest opinions are so valuable. People can judge the validity of other's opinions for themselves, but I think most people have an appreciation for no-bullshit commentary. However, I understand that plain text can be misinterpreted, and there is absolutely a fine line between valid criticism and childish bitching and moaning. And just like one man's thrash is another man's nu-metal, there are no absolutes and everything is subject to interpretation. I regret that you view my opinion in that way, but fuck man, that's what I think, honestly...
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