I hope, and I wonder if it's true.

i actually liked a few songs they made...in 2005...then i saw them live...damn that was a shit show...my luck i was @ Graspop so i coud go away and get drunk at the campsite :p
I went to a live show with a friend of mine and it was fucking terrible. Don't mind some of the songs here and there, but not my cup of tea generally.
mm.. pasta :)

Mmm... Ziti!
never knew they broke up.


In the context of what popular rock music sounded like when they came out, the first two albums are pretty cool, but everything I heard after that sounded like it was treading the same exact path.

Also, I saw a clip recently of the singer doing solo stuff with a full orchestra and it was easily funnier than 90 percent of stand-up I've seen recently, though obviously not intentionally. But the juxtaposition of the symphonic music and his billygoat singing was rofl inducing.
Get that garbage off of this board.

Linkin Park is better than SOAD for fucks sake. Hell, KORN used to make better albums than System of a Down. Chop Suey and Arials are good songs, other than that? Terrible. Everytime I hear the guitarist sing I want to pierce my ear drums.
^ This is true. SOAD needs to put some soap into the singer's mouth, and overall it's a giant turd of a group.
It took a long time, but Toxicity grew on me a lot and I really dig that album. Musically, the rest of their stuff can fuck off but they're easily one of the coolest groups of dudes I met in my radio days. The drummer and bassist are genuinely awesome, retarded jackasses :)

Sucks they are one of those bands with one good diamond amongst a discography of bullshit.
I meant the guitarist back up vocals but yeah, Serj has one of the most obnoxious voices I've ever heard in music. SO arrogant sounding.

But the guitarist is the one I hate. His backing vocals are so whiny, he has big eyes, and who the hell switches from an Ibanez Iceman to an SG? Gibson and their overpriced shit, boy howdy.