I hope Circle II Circle comes back to the US soon...


Shadow I am
Sep 23, 2006
Just listening to "Burden of Truth" and I absolutely love it. I really wish I could have made it to PP last year. Every time I listen to this cd, I wish so bad I could have saw them last year...oh well, I'll just be patient and hopefully they will be back soon. I'm guessing most ppl here have already heard this album but if for some reason you haven't, I highly recommend it.

Edit: I should have said "tours the US soon" since they are from the US.
I actually didn't enjoy CIIC as much as I wanted to during the pre-party last year... and I'm a big fan. I thought at the time that they played to many songs in a row from the new album - especially considering few attendees had heard the new material. I love Burden of Truth now, but thought they lost some of the momentum gained from playing Edge of Thorns and Handful of Rain.

Anyway, it's a moot point now... I'd love to see them perform again!
I'd love to see them play again. I enjoyed their songs off Burden of Truth; a few of them were available to listen to prior to ProgPower on their website. I thought their musicianship was fantastic; much better than I expected. Plus, it looked way cool to see both guitarists playing Gibson SGs on stage (for the first 4 or so songs).