I hope Into E for there next Album


Sep 26, 2005
New York City and Around
Go a little more progressive like on Buried and Dead......like Scattering was cool but every song is fast and theres no real variety, i think its a great album but i want more like Dead or dreaming..... anyone else agree?

I wanna hear rerecordings of some oldies with Stu singing, that be sick........like a compilation of Dod and Bio songs rerecorded with new lineup........:kickass:
Scattering was cool but every song is fast and theres no real variety

What are you on crack? No Variety? /harsh crap giving.

I think that Scattering was a great work of music, I found each song had a different tone and sound to it, while still being Into Eternity. The only similarities I found between the album was the speed of the songs indeed... But I don't think any of the songs "sounded alike" and was quite impressed with the work on Scattering.

I do agree though, It'd be kind of cool to see Stu re-work some of the old tracks (perhaps as a hidden/bonus track), but I think a full album of that would get too old too quickly.

I totally agree. Scattering I a great record, but it`s just not like BiO or DoD. That are two amazing records, and it would be really great to hear these songs again. Would be interesting with stu on vocals^^

Please next album more like the old stuff:headbang:

But I don`t think that there would be a new one soon ;)
Nah, SOA is a fun Cd, buried in oblivion was better though . Only thing that really pissed me off was every solo roth plays is the same or has been done on an album previously. My only suggestion is to pick up a theory book because he said himself he doesn't know much.
I honestly agree with PART of what Black Rain said... I think Tim is a great musician, and if he's gotten this far without theory - then screw that... However... I have noticed similarities in some of the solos on SOA Vs. BIO. I don't mean similar just because you know it's Tim playing, and it's his style... There are little sections and riffs that are very close to some of the older solos... That being said - all artists repeat themselves in one way or another eventually, or even just revamp older ideas, or sometimes it just works out that way... I'm not trying to discredit him in anyway, but I can see what Black Rain is saying - somewhat... But I still have tons of respect for IE and Tim for changing up their sound so much from album to album, and still coming out with great material.

As far as the next album goes... I'd hope again they change it up alot, but if it sounds like one of the older albums... I'd want it to sound as far away from BIO as possible... I like that album - but to me (In MY opinion), it's IE's weakest album... Just my opinion.. But I like Kelly Clarkson too, so maybe I'll keep my opinions to myself from now on?

i dont think they will ever do a more traditional melodic death/ death metal, they willl always have some kind of progressive metal in them. though it be cool to see them a traditional death metal band
most of all I think they'll always have some catchy hooks and clean vocals in the choruses, but then again you never know if they will "break" that rule for a song at some point. But when I was in Regina (just spent 2 weeks there) I did hear a birdie say (and heard for myself) that there will be more acoustic stuff etc again :)
I wouldn't mind one song on an album that had all clean vocals and/or one song with all harsh vocals.

I think to do an entire album one or the other would defeat the sound the band has been striving for.

Everyone seems to be saying that the new cd should sound like the older material...doesn't that defeat the purpose of a new album??? I think a lot of the fun in a new album is the evolution of the music. and if you listen through all 4 cds in order back to back (I've only done it once). you can see a clear progression of the sound and I think that its badass.

Stu is the best vocalist IE has ever had. The "old" tracks sound amazing with him. but using precious studio time to re-record "old material" seems like a waste. in 3 years or so I would love to hear a revamped version of DoD, but the album is only 5 years old... Leave it alone
i've have the first cd downloaded, except for one song or two, when me and troy were talking, he told me they are suppose to re-release the first cd, im still waiting for that one, it was suppose to come out around scattering came out.
It's not my place to say really, BUT I really feel that on Scattering they under utilized Tim's vocals, both death and clean , like I mean Stu is just fuckin retarded in that he can do ANY vocal style awesomely but I think it would be cool to havesome back and forth shit with Tim like it was back in the day. Or Maybe I'm just on crack......:erk: