i just broke up with my girlfreind

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Good for you!! Sounds like she's come to her senses. She realized she missed your "love taps", or "affectionate punches" to the head.
Why you would put our biz outthere in the 1st is beyond me !!!! Guess I don't give you enough attention!!!!!!! Ever here of TMI?????:confused:
come on dude, isnt bad, a bad thing is know then she was men, or she has aids and now you got it, I broke up with my girlfriend but fuck on, next tomorrow i will go to the show of forbbiden, next week exodus,and the next day motorhead and the next day exodus with iron maiden.

dude, im alone, has been 5 years without her, My advise, drink, watch porn, fuck some girl and soon you will forget her
Why are you acting like this is the end of the world? I've encountered this before, and you know what is the solution?

Grow a spine and a pair of balls and move on. We all have been through this shit and you are going to get nothing out of moping and sobbing over it.

Stop being weak.
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